At the Man's Nest, Ray and the team-who are in their supersuits-come back from the festival.

Ray:"Ugh, finally, The Cell is taken care of."

Bose:"Um...yeah, but, I need to--"

Miles:"Yeah man! Same here!"


Bose:(Picking up a soda bottle and a fork and gently taps the soda bottle with the fork, getting everybody's attention)"Thank you. Um...I need to talk to Chapa. Alone. Please?"

Chapa blushes and Bose sets the soda bottle and fork down.

Ray and the twins smirk.

Miles:"Hey,(pointing his finger at Bose and Chapa)you got it."

Mika:"Yeah, you got it."

Ray:"Yeah, but behave, okay?"

Bose and Chapa blush, their faces as red as tomatoes.

Bose:"Yeah, don't worry, we will."


Ray:"You better."

Ray and the twins make kissy faces and kissy noises and Chapa sparks her hand, silently threatening them to get the hell out of there before they get fried to a crisp. Ray and the twins, getting the message, get the hell out of dodge. Chapa stops sparking and turns to Bose, who has a serious look on his face. 

Chapa:"So, um, what did you want to talk about?"

Bose takes a deep breath and sighs, preparing himself for what he's about to tell her that's he's been hiding for 4 years now.

Bose:(Taking his mask off and setting it down)"Look, and puts his hands out)I'm not good at this. But I need to tell you this. I can't hide this from you anymore. If I keep hiding this, it's only gonna get worse."

Chapa:(Confused)"What? What is it?(gasps and in an angry tone and sparking)Did you break my phone?!"

Bose:(Walking up to Chapa)"No, no, no, no, no, no. No, I did NOT break your phone."

Chapa:(Calming down)"Oh..."

Bose:(Holds Chapa's hands and looks her seriously in the eyes)"Look, what I've wanted to tell you is...(closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and opens his eyes)I love you."

Chapa stood there. Shook.

Chapa:(Clearly in shock)"What?" She asked to make sure she wasn't hearing things.

Bose:"I love you, Lula Elena Chapa Da Silva." 

All at once, Chapa suddenly understood. It all made sense now. THAT'S why Bose was jealous when Chapa landed a date with Miles for the SwellMelonFest. THAT'S why Bose touched Chapa whenever he was scared! THAT'S why whenever he looks at her, he seems to have a loving spark in his eyes. Which is what is happening right now. Bose is looking at Chapa with a loving spark in his eyes. Bose gently cups Chapa's face, takes her mask off, sets it down, and turns his attention back to her, cupping her cheek and gently stroking it, with a loving smile on his face and a warm look in his eyes.

Bose:"You're so pretty. Your face is pretty. Your eyes are pretty. Pretty much EVERYTHING about you is pretty. And-and amazing. And I liked the part where you...did the thing with the hammer and stuff."

Chapa:"Bose...I...I don't know what to say. I thought-I thought you like Mika!"

Bose looked disgusted.

Bose:"What?! Mika?! Ugh! Ew! Gross! Disgusting! No way! Look, I think Mika is cool but, I don't like her that way."

Chapa:"But-but, she was your date for the SwellMelonFest and--"

My Random Book Part 2!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz