Chapter 101

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These love birds !! Jim spoke while entering the room

Jim why are you here ? Sam asked

What! I'm your friend ! This is enough to be here , Jim crossed her arms

You told me will drop Mr Armstrong

Yes i cannot stay in the airport for so long, Jim shouted

Mon looked at Sam to be quiet !

Ok mon , i came to inform day after tomorrow doctor said we can discharge Sam.

Thanks Jim .

I already informed olivia to arrange a private plane , Jim informed

And my dear friend for a kind request when you are in romance close the door , Jim teased and left the room .

Finally going to home , Sam smiled and jumped little bit

Te quiero!!! Mon said

What ?? Sam asked

I love you i said in Spanish

Ohhh ... Sam smiled

Sam need me to cuddle her , we slept in same bed .

Morning we left the hospital . Jim , Sam and me were flying back to Thailand. The doctor gave the contact details of the doctor in Thailand .

Sam sat near to mon and clingy with her . I m happy that i had my Sam next to me ...

Reached Thailand, i carried Sam to our room as a filmy way .

I carried her in my arms and i reached room.

I placed her in bed , i m top on her . Her eyes made me to kiss her in her lips gently .

The kisser bigger hard when sam pushed my nape closer .

I missed her , her touch , her breathe everything. I need to make her mind  . I undressed her and start to kiss .

Finally i had my Sam.. She is sleeping on my shoulder she is tried . I don't want to sleep her . I looked her sleeping and i m talking with her whole night whatever happened in the two months without her .

I am down preparing her favourite food and we have appointment with doctor today .

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