chapter 2: into the woods

Start from the beginning

Once it grew dark she heard a knock on her window. At first she ignored it writing it off as a tree branch hitting the house until it happened again. Then heard two unintelligible voices of some boys. She walked to the window and opened it revealing her two best friends: Scott and Stiles. They stopped arguing and their heads snapped towards the girl as she opened the window.

Scott was almost like a brother to Aaliyah. He always let her stay over at his house when Aaliyah got in to fights with her mom, which was fairly often. Scott was a safe place for her, they always took care of each other.

Stiles was the sheriff's son. Although Aaliyah loved Scott she loved Stiles a bit more. There had always been something special there, even though she never noticed it. Stiles did, but he kept quiet about it fearing he might be wrong. The only person Aaliyah cared about more than her friends was her brother.

"What are you guys doing here? It's almost midnight." Aaliyah asked looking out of the window.

"They found a body in the woods." Stiles informed his friend rubbing his hand over his buzz cut.

"So?" Aaliyah voiced scrunching her eyebrows together confused.

"We're gonna go look for it." Scott spoke from behind Stiles.

"How do they know there's a body in the woods if they haven't found it yet?" The girl asked pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"That's the best part," Stiles smiled, "They only found half of the body!"

"Gross!" Aaliyah cringed looking back into her room trying to decided if she was gonna go with them or not. "Which half?" She turned back to her friends.

"Uh, I didn't think about that." Stiles admitted. "So, are you coming?" He asked hoping she would come.

"I don't know. What if we do find it? Couldn't that be like, traumatizing?" Aaliyah wondered.

"Who cares! You have to come it'll be no fun without you!" Stiles pleaded.

"Fine." Aaliyah gave in. She ran to put on her black converse. Before leaving she made sure to a grab a knife and slide it in her pants and climbed out the window to join her friends.


     The three drove to Beacon Hills preserve in Stiles' blue jeep. Which was pretty beat up and broken but he refused to get rid of it. It had been his moms before she died.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asked as they got out of the car. His red hoodie sleeves went slightly past his hands. Aaliyah ran up from the back of the jeep next to Stiles.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles said shinning his flashlight in front of them. They walked ahead of Scott into the woods.

"I was trying to get a good nights sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott complained jogging to catch up with his two friends.

"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles joked in his usual sarcastic tone.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott insisted, overly confident in his lacrosse skills.

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