29: No Ordinary Wish

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Heli screamed and screamed from the top of his lungs and groaned in pain.

"Athena! Athena!" he wailed.

But he didn't receive a reply from Athena. But then, his energy became low. And he passed out. By then, Athena opened her eyes...and saw the unconscious Heli. When the therapists went away, she seized the opportunity to free Heli. She untied herself, and then tried to untie Heli.

"God, these knots are tight!" she mumbled, attempting to undo the knots on Heli's hands.

Suddenly, Heli fluttered his eyelids. He noticed Athena untying him.

"Athena?" he said weakly.

But Athena shushed him. "We have to get out of here!"

Heli sat up as Athena took off the wires from his forehead.

"Did it hurt you?" asked Athena.

Heli smiled. "Little bit."

Athena frowned and embraced him.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to get all of us into this."

"It's not your fault..." Heli answered.

He then sighed. "It's mine."

Athena was confused.

"Why would it be your fault if you didn't do anything wrong?"

"I wasn't in time to help you, I didn't warn you about Odile, and I went too far to have the courage to marry you."

Athena rolled her eyes.

"You've done nothing wrong, Heli," she said, "Although, not telling me about Odile is somewhat on you. But nonetheless, I forgive you!"

Heli smiled and held Athena in his arms. But suddenly, there were footsteps running in. It was Shion and Odette.

"What happened?" asked Athena as the couple entered.

"Odile is coming!" said Odette, tying up Athena.

They quickly closed their eyes as Odile entered with the guards.

"Take them away," Odile said with a smirk, "I want them buried near Decelis Academy."

Odette managed to snatch the Crimson Heart from Odile. Athena and Heli then untied themselves once more as soon as they were at the bottom of the steps. They ran off to free Vincent and Thomas and the Crimson Girls. Odette returned the necklace to Athena.

"I think this belongs to you." she said with a positive tone. The necklace automatically set itself on Athena's neck, locking the latch tightly. And then it shined its blinding red light.

"They don't call it the Crimson Heart for nothing!" Dabi laughed.

Athena closed her eyes and mumbled, "I am wishing for true wisdom and strength."

Suddenly, everyone was surrounded by millions and millions of sparkles. Once their transformation was complete, Odile and the guards arrived just in time...along with Boton and Ark.

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