6: What Have You Done?

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It was Friday evening. Heli slept peacefully in bed. But the pouring rain and the thunder would at most points of the night wake him up.

But the lighting and thunder made a sound of a nuclear bomb. And Athena became afraid.

So scared that she ran all the way to Heli's room. She shook from the disturbing sounds. She frantically banged on the door, catching her breath.

Heli was there to answer. Athena fell to his arms.

"It woke you up too, didn't it?"

Athena nodded.

Heli carried the girl to his bed and covered her up in the blankets.

"It feels so warm." Athena said softly.

"I know it is," answered Heli, "It's because I was in it first. And your whole body is shaking! Are you cold?"

Athena stammered.

"I had the window open... but I wasn't cold."

"But how come your hands are freezing?"

Athena refused to answer.

Heli smiled as she began to fall asleep. She cuddled up beside Heli, who was ready to caress her head.


It was Saturday...no one goes to school on weekends. Only if they really want to do the best in school.

But for Athena...she thought she didn't need it. After all, she did live for over three hundred years.

Then again, she would have done exceptionally well.

She laid in her bed on that Saturday night, when her mother Fionna burst through the door, jumping up and down.

"Athena! Wake up! Wake up! We have to get ready for tonight!" Athena groaned.

"Aaugh, Mum! You know that 8:00pm is the time I go to bed, right?"

"I know, but your friend Heli is going to perform the violin at the Cal State Monterey Bay theater!"

Athena froze and laid back down on her bed, covering herself with the blankets. She couldn't take the news anymore.

Why is it always Heli?

Athena eventually gave up and sat up.

"Does Heli have an absolute desire for something?"

"Well, he does...ever since his mother and father died...he vowed to play his violin for their spirits until he was allowed to join them."

"And will he?"

Fionna nodded.

"But...it would be a hundred years for that. Let's just be glad he is in this world today."

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