17: Missing in the Action

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Police had arrived and arrested the now former Headmistress Narissa. William was brought along to be interrogated.

And so, Vincent Kim was the new Head of the Decelis Academy. Everyone praised him for his new position as a Decelis Scholar. Athena wished nothing but the best for him.

But she didn't know that Vincent was keeping a secret from her. He was with the Seven Fates to kill her and Heli!

But Vincent never wanted to kill her, or Heli.

The plan was to be revealed at the ceremony for Vincent Kim's take on being the Headmaster of the school.

"Are you ready?" whispered Zeha in Vincent's ear.

Vincent had no other choice but to nod his weary head.

During Vincent's speech, as Athena was a spectator, both Zeha and Jaan pulled her out of the school auditorium, and attempted to pull her back to her room.

But then as they were about to hit her with a ruler, Crimson Heart had casted a shield over Athena. She then found herself floating in mid-air.

I still have not experienced this in my life, thought Athena, spinning around, Could it be the necklace that I'm wearing?

Athena proceeded to float back down. But the shield was still activated. She summoned her wings, and flew through the window, making a big crack in the middle.

Both boys ran after her. They caught her in the intersection. In the middle of the crossroad, Athena couldn't get hurt because of the shield.

Every car that attempted to run over her flew up in the air, causing traffic and an accident.


The Blood Altar sat outside at the outdoor patio, where Jaan was furious.

"It didn't work!" he snarled, "It's because of the damn necklace she was wearing!"

Solon rubbed her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said, "But we have to accept Athena, sooner or later. But thanks to what you and Zeha did, it's sooner."

Jacob crossed his arms.

"I don't know why you want to harm Heli and Athena," he said, "They have been together for quite some time."

Jaan gave a stutter.

"You don't know this, but...I really miss Heli."

It was bedtime for the students of Decelis. Athena stayed in Heli's room. For most of the night, they cuddled up to each other...and made love officially.

Both bodies would brush against one another. Their lips would intertwine, as well as their fingers. And finally they would cover themselves with blankets for warmth.

In the end, Athena said, "I will never let you go, my darling!"

And Heli replied, "I shan't as well!"

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