10: Reunion

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1: Reunion

Decelis Academy of 2003 had no idea how much they had been through.

Ever since the mascot of the vintage school had disappeared for a mysterious reason, great darkness had filled in the air of Riverfield.

Only the Decelis's greatest student of all could find a way to lighten up the town again. But...he just couldn't.

It was in the oldest dormitory in the school. Heli stood there hopelessly. He frowned and sulked. He missed his darling Athena dearly.

My best friend in the universe, he thought vigorously, It's been a year already. When shall you return to my arms?

He then sighed and left the room.

But in the moment when Heli was at the school auditorium, everything changed for the better.

He brought out his hands and a spark of tiny flames bloomed out of his three middle fingers.

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They soon went out when Heli flinched only to find an unfamiliar figure standing at the door. It seemed to be a silhouette of a girl his age.

"Hello, Heli." she said, "I have missed you."

Heli took out his very pen and transformed it into a blade. The shadowy figure then revealed herself. She had wings. She had that long black hair.

It was Athena.


Athena, now a three hundred and sixteen year old girl, dashed up to Heli and gave a jump across from his face. Heli had bulged his eyes.

"Athena!" he stuttered, "But-but how?"

"I told you I would find a way to come back."

Heli chuckled, "So you never broke your promise?"

"Oh, no! My father knew that he wanted me to come back. So he let me stay here for the rest of my long life."

"How long will you live?"

"Serpents such as me live up to almost over a thousand years."

Heli was shocked.

"What you are telling me is that you have a long set of years to live? And even while you still look young?"

"I'll somehow age once I am about...six hundred."

Heli chuckled.


Outside in the gardens of Decelis Academy, Athena floated from the steps and on the green grass. She then saw her old friend Odette prancing with Shion in the rose garden.

Odette saw the figure of Athena and Heli together. Odette frowned.

"I miss her." she said.

"Who do you miss, love?" asked Shion, wrapping his arms around Odette,

"Athena. She was so good to me, and I was good to her. I wish she was here right now."

Heli and Athena stepped closer to the couple. Odette immediately knew who the girl beside Heli was.

"Athena!" she called.

Odette was soon in Athena's arms, happily sobbing and laughing at the same time.

"Oh, how I have missed you so much! You've been gone too long!" she said.

"I'm sorry," Athena said, "A lot has happened and I had trouble finding the time to return. There was the time when I celebrated my birthday in Carmel, and the time when I adopted my pet snake Sniper. And then my father gave me the acceptance to live here in Riverfield independently."


"We have missed you so much!" said Odette with Athena, "We were afraid you weren't going to make a comeback."

"Well, here I am." said Athena, "I'm back here in one piece."

"Good!" Odette chuckled.

Decelis Academy had been through a great depression ever since Athena's departure from the planet Earth. Athena was shocked.

I thought they would have known my return by now, she thought.

She then sighed and sulked.

It was when Athena was settling back in her old room again. She saw a picture of her and Heli together, on the wall where she bumped into when she heard the sound of Heli's violin.

She smiled tearfully...but then she broke down crying on her bed, embracing the pivotal moment of her mental happiness.

"Oh, Heli," she said through sobs and gasps. "It has been too long ever since my departure from you."

Suddenly, there was a familiar sound coming from the upstairs of the dormitories.

That sound, she thought, I remember it fondly.

She ran all the way upstairs...and found Heli playing his violin, as he did almost a year ago.

He was such a tender boy to me, Athena thought continuously, I remember how my wings would pop out every time he played. It felt so passionate!

She then let out a sigh...and then floated back to her room.

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