14: Full Moon (4)

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Now let's introduce ourselves to Sooha, the horrific vampiress. She was not only the most beautiful girl of Riverfield, but she was vain and much more cunning than Athena. She, too, was also a Serpent herself.

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How did Heli fall for her?

It was all because of her smile. It was while she was introduced to the Decelis Academy.

During the NightBall practice sessions, she mistakenly wandered out into the field, and the ball was coming straight at her.

Suddenly, Heli ran in front of Sooha and held her tightly in his arms, protecting her from a serious injury.

"Are you alright?" he asked, "Are you hurt?"

Sooha stammered.

"No, of course not," Sooha replied, "Not until you came."

"Right," said Heli, "I'm glad that nothing happened to you."

After the practice, Sooha and Heli managed to meet up again as everyone else was asleep. They took a walk down the school gardens.

"There could be vampires in Riverfield," said Sooha, as her voice trembled, "I hope we don't run into one."

"I'm sure we won't," Heli replied, "If there were, then there would be others that are totally the complete opposite, am I right?"

Heli then gave off a chuckle. Sooha raised an eyebrow.

He's not serious, is he?

Sooha was confused. Very confused. So confused, she facepalmed her forehead.

"I'm sorry," said Heli, noticing the behavior on Sooha, "Did I offend you?"

"Oh, no," said Sooha, "You never did. Although, what you answered on my question didn't really make sense to me."

"Again, I'm very sorry."

During the time of their meeting, Athena was still new to Decelis. But she was always confined to her room. And although Heli was sometimes with Sooha, he was already in love with Athena.

You may not have noticed this, but Sooha was actually jealous of Athena, making her feel insecure about her facial features.

Why does she get all of the compliments? Why am I always invisible, she would ask.

By the time Heli and Athena became friends, Sooha mysteriously vanished into thin air. And it was always this way until Athena's return to the school.


Athena was letting her wings out in the open air, when suddenly, Sooha appeared in front of her eyes. But this didn't faze Athena. Instead, she knew that she was already feeling approached by an unknown being.

Athena flared up at Sooha.

"So you are the princess Athena, aren't you?"

Athena was silent.

"How delightful! I'm Sooha, Heli's ex."

"I can see that. What brings you out here, while all of the students are asleep?"

Sooha didn't reply and attempted to pounce at Athena. But she floated in the air, making Sooha miss her shot.

"Seems to me that you have missed your shot, sweetie."

"Don't call me that!" Sooha screeched.

"Why not? I think that is such an endearing thing to say to someone!"

"Say to Heli, if you have to!"

"Funny, didn't you like Heli?"

"I did...but...I've found someone else."

"Sure you did."

And so, as a result, The rest of the battle took place in the school canteen.

Swish! Bang! Grunt! Crash! Clash! Roar! Aaaahhh!!! Ouch!

These were the same sounds that Athena had heard as she fought the villainous Krampus.

The duel ended with Sooha defeated.

And then...CRASH!!!

Sooha landed on the stained glass window of the Royal Family of the Serpentine, in the Palace of Lucifer.

The Headmistress Narissa came rushing in after the crash. She found only Sooha almost covered in blood.

"Quickly!" she shouted, "I must find you some help!"

Athena watched how Narissa carried Sooha to the main office of the school.

I imagine Heli doing the exact same thing, thought Athena.

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