Chapter Thirty-Six: Stories Lost

Start from the beginning

The light hurt his eye lights, yes.. that was what it was called.

"Who...?" he rasped, realizing the warmth was someone holding him.

"Call me Traveller little Dream," a gently voice said, and as his vision cleared he saw that it was a strange older child wearing Golden shades.. yet his eyes behind them were amazing.

"Pretty..." he said passing out.

Traveller had a feeling of Deja Vu.


It took weeks for the little Dream to recover, yet... the poor child could not remember anything before he was stoned.

Traveller had to help him learn to walk again he was so weakened, gently teaching him to live.

Yes live... for Dream seemed lost and almost seemed to wish he didn't survive past his multiverse.

"What... happened to my multiverse?"

Traveller paused from where he was trying to fix Dreams cape, it.. wasn't going well the time in stone has made it too fragile.

"I wish I knew...." Traveller finally sighed, for he'd barely had time to pull Dream out but... everything had been dead. Dream, had definitely been a statue longer then a normal Dream.

Just had happened to leave him trapped as everything ended?

"Was... I that much hated that they left me to die alone," Dream wailed, Traveller scooped the crying grieving child into his arms.

"We'll figure it out Dream," he soothed the child.

"I hate it.. I only know my name, but now I can never know what happened," Dream sobbed "I... I don't think I want to be Dream then if everyone just leaves me alone."

"Then, why not choose a new one?" Traveller offered.

"I.. don't know."


Dream was holding Travellers hand as they walked through a city, blankly taking in everything as they hunted down new clothes. He crowded closer to the other as peoples gaze came upon him, not liking the startled glances people were given him.

Dreams were usually once per Multiverse, to see a child Dream was very strange.

"Traveller..." Dream said tugging the others oversized jacket, there pretty wings somehow vanished for this trip.

"What is it Dream?" he asked turning those rainbow eyes upon him.

"Can.. I have clothes like yours?" he asked, he would admit Travellers surprised face was hilarious when he remembered later.


Traveller watched in amusement as Dream ran around a park gleefully, almost tripping over his overlong clothes.

He hadn't created the clothes, as he couldn't reinforce it like his own so taught Dream how to create his own clothes with magic, the style was like his own but this clothes were all white with runic markings in gold on them. He did create a scarf for him, gold with white stripes as he was a babybones.

"Mr Traveller! Swings!" Dream cried happily.

"Coming," he chuckled, and soon both of them were on the swings.

"I want to discover my multiverse story...all the stories for everywhere," Dream said as they swung.

"That's a big undertaking, you realize your multiverse stories are lost?" Traveller told him, the babybones stared at the ground.

"I know.. but... I want to save as many stories as I can, so... if a multiverse vanishes its not forgotten," Dream said swinging coming to a pause.

"It may take eons, even past your lifetime. Reality is always growing, you'd never complete it," Traveller said, trying to talk the child out of it.

"Still going do it," Dream stubbornly replied, Traveller sighed.

"Hold out your hands," he said, Dream blinked and held them out.

He frowned and concentrated, Dream he would gift he had no idea what but the child needed it. He allowed Dreams magic to guide its shape, eyes widening as it formed.

"A book and quill?" Dream said confused, the babybones grin widening when he realized the quill wrote in glimmering Ink and the book seemed to have unlimited pages to write upon.

"Well.. you need a place to keep the stories,' Traveller mused.

"Thank you thank you," Dream said vibrating happily "Maybe I'll even meet your brother Karma or Mr Fresh 404!"

"You sound like your leaving?" Traveller said surprised.

"Uh huh, I need to find the stories Mr Traveller, and maybe I'll even find my own family and Big brother," Dream said excitedly, the books pages glowing strangely and the area filling with light.

"Oh..." Traveller said a bit down, he could feel it.. with that book he'd somehow given Dream a way to Travel.

"Can, you do one last thing or me?" Dream asked shyly.

"Sure kid," Traveller said with a wobbly smile.

"A name..." Dream said.

"Fable... I name you Fable," Traveller replied.

"Thank you for everything Dream.. no Fable said, then he was gone.

"Good luck kid."

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