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It had been about a week since Emrys woke up and it was finally time for her to return home. Once everyone got the news that she had woken up they bolted to the hospital to shower her with love and care; but to Emrys' dismay her girlfriend was not one of those people.

In fact, no one had heard from her lover since the day of the shooting. She wasn't answering texts, returning any calls and she no longer lived where she use to. Chrisette had basically disappeared from the face of the Earth.

It disappointed Emrys that her lover hadn't come to check on her, and it hurt even more that she wasn't answering her calls or texts so once she was settled in at home Emrys decided to call Chrisette's mother who had some disturbing news.

"Hello?" Mrs. Payne said as she answered the phone.

"Hey Mama C. It's Emrys, how've you been?" Emerys responded causing the older woman to sadly smile on the other end of the phone.

"I should be asking you that dear. Your mother told me about your accident." Mrs Payne responded solemnly.

"I'm fine Mama C. Just wondering if Chrissy was around. She hasn't been answering any of us and hasn't come to see me." Emrys explained causing Mrs. P to sigh.

"That's because she's in jail sweertheart. I turned her in a few days after the shooting."  She responded making Em frown.

"Turn her in for what? What happened?" She asked in a concerned manner.

"She set up the driveby Em. She's the reason you almost died." Mrs Payne responded as tears fell down her face.

"I'm sorry, she what?!" Emrys asked feeling her heart break into two.

"She set you up. She had my nephews spy on you and they were the ones who shot you. I overheard her on the phone telling them that they failed because you didn't die and I immediately called the police and had them all arrested. There's already irrefutable evidence against them so even if you don't press charges they'll still be sentenced and sent to jail for good." Mrs Payne explained as Emrys silently cried on the other end of the phone.

"Wow.. Why would she do something like that? I was nothing but good to her Mama and you know that. I gave her everything and she did that to me?" Emrys cried.

"I don't know sweetie. That's only something you can ask her and God. But it'll be alright, you're gone heal from this and meet someone who won't betray you like that, I know it." The older woman responded causing Emrys to sigh.

"Well I appreciate you for telling me this and not just keeping it a secret Mama C. I got some things I need to think about, I'll talk to you later." Emrys said cutting the conversation short.

"I understand Em. Take as much time as you need and take care of yourself." Mrs Payne responded before bidding Emrys goodbye and hanging up the phone.


I set my phone down beside me and stared at the ceiling while I cried. I could tell believe the girl I had been in love with for almost a year was the reason I almost died for the second time. I thought we were good, yes we had our disagreements and bickered but I never thought it would lead to this.

I was so busy crying and lost in my head that I didn't even hear Vicky enter into my room.

"Emmy I got us Chi- why are you cryinf? What's wrong?!" She asked breaking me out of the thoughts.

"It was Chrissy. She set me up." I replied as tears continued to roll down my face.

"She... She's the reason why-"

"Yeah. Mama C told me when I called her." I said roughly wiping my face off.

"After all the things I did for her. The dates, the gifts, the endless amount of love and passion I put into this girl and she got her cousins to come and shoot me. And for what?! For my money? That's all I got! I don't have no car, nothing valuable at all. All I got is money and a few zips of weed man and she wanted me dead V like how could she do that to me." I ranted as tears kept spilling from my eyes.

Vicky set everything down on my dresser before coming and sitting in front of me.

"She didn't deserve you Em. You changed so much after the trial and still managed to give her the best parts of you, even when she didn't deserve it but don't let this harden your heart any more than it already is. Don't close yourself off from us Em, she unfortunately was temporary. But we're family, your family, and we got you forever." Vicky calmly said before wrapping me up in a hug and allowing me to get all my tears out.


word count: 833


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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