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Emrys slowly approached the stand and once she was there she was sworn in. Her hands slightly shook as she sat down so she took a deep breath to try and control her nerves but nothing seemed to help at the moment.

"So Miss Jackson, how long were you under Mrs Jones care?" The lawyer started off.

"Not too long, around four or five months." She answered shakily before quickly clearing her throat.

"Had there always been tension between you and your caregivers while you were there?" He asked as he slowly walked infront of the stand.

"The first month was pretty calm but after I came out things changed."

"So every thing went down hill once you told them about your sexual orientation? Correct?" He asked stopping in front of Emrys. She took a deep breath and nodded before answering verbally.

"Yes that's correct."

"Was there ever a time when the arguing turned into physical fighting?" He asked causing Emrys to nod almost immediately.

"Yes there have been several occasions before my accident where we went from arguing to physically fighting."

"And who were you fighting with?"

"Tim." She answered lowly as she glanced over at him. His face held a scowl and he looked disgusted to even be in the same room as her.

"Never with Mrs. Jones?" The lawyer asked causing Emrys to look back at him.

"We only argued about Tim and I fighting. She would tell me to just ignore it because me giving a reaction would only make it worse."

"So you and Mrs Jones never argued about your sexual orientation?"

"Not at all."

"And was she present the day of the accident?" The lawyer asked as he stood to the side so Emrys's former foster mother was in her sight.

"No sir. It was a Thursday and on Thursdays she goes to work at 2:30pm and I don't get out of school until 3:15." Emrys explained causing the lawyer to nod and look towards the judge.

The judge looked back before looking at Emrys's lawyer and calling then forward for a meeting at the bench. They talked amongst themselves quietly for a few moments which made Emerys nervous. After about a minute they dispersed as the judge spoke.

"The court is hereby adjourned for a re-sentencing of Mrs. Tomitra Jones. Court case for Mr. Timothy Jones will resume tomorrow at 9:30am. Case dismissed." He bellowed loudly.


After the judge dismissed us I quickly stood up and went over to the stand to help Em down. I gently grabbed her free hand and helped her down the step before wrapping her up into a much needed hug.

I felt her sigh deeply against me and for a few seconds she leaned on me for support; I knew it was because she was drained so I just held her up until she felt better. After about a minute she stood up on her own again and let me go.

"Can we go home? I'm tired." She asked softly as we began walking out of the courtroom.

"We can go home. But I need you to eat something first okay?" I replied reminding her that she needed to eat. Her appetite was dirt poor at the moment, she hadn't eaten a full meal in almost three days.

"As long as I can sleep afterwards."

I shook my head in amusement and helped her down the ramp to the parking lot. The rest of the family wanted to go to brunch but since Emrys was tired we just agreed to do dinner once she woke up.

We all got in our cars and went our separate ways home. My car ride home was silent due to Em being asleep within two minutes of the ride. I just let her sleep because I knew this would be one of the only moments she would sleep peacefully.

Once we pulled into the driveway I sat there for a few minutes not really wanting to wake Em up. I sighed knowing that I had no other option and reached over to shake her shoulder.

"Emmy, we're home." I cooed softly as she cracked her eyes open. She sighed deeply before undoing her seatbelt and getting her things so she could get out the car.

I unlocked the doors so she could get out before getting out of the car myself. I went up to the house and opened the door before turning around to see where Emrys was. She was half way up the walk way so I waited for her by the door and walked in behind her.

I took her bag from her as she walked in and immediately went over to the couch. She sat down slowly before reaching down and taking off her shoes. She didn't even sit up fully, she just leaned over and laid on the couch tiredly. I just shook my head and set everything down before grabbing the blanket off of the back of the couch and covering her up and kissing her forehead.

"Get some rest Honey Bunch."


word count: 853

not my best update cause i been struggling today but a little filler

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