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Emrys's accident had taken a toll on Jacky for a reason unbeknownst to her but her sisters knew it was because she cared for Em deeply; she loved her like she was one of her own children. Though she had woken up she had a long road to recovery and the upcoming trial was causing her to be stressed and anxious.

A week had passed since Emrys had finally woken up and she was getting released soon which had Jacky running around like a chicken with its head cut off as she tried to get her home ready.

"Jacky you're practically baby proofing the house." Karen said as she watched Jacky modify her home for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"I just don't want her to hurt herself anymore than she already has. You know that child is a walking hazard and the walker is gonna make it harder to move around the house." Jacky replied as she rearranged her silverware drawer to remove all the sharp knives.

"Plus this trial has had her anxious and I just to make sure that there isn't anything in her reach that she could use to harm herself." She added which caused Karen to nod with a sigh.

"Well hopefully school and physical therapy will keep her busy when you're not around." Karen commented as she stood up and gathered her things.

"Yeah hopefully. You about to head out?" Jacky questioned as she watched Karen.

"Yeah I need to go home and change for dinner. Vicky's finally introducing Aavya to Drew so we're going out tonight." She announced as she turned around and looked at Jacky.

"Oh lord, I'll be praying." She replied with a light laugh as she walked over and hugged her baby sister goodbye.

"Whew pray long and hard. Please." Karen replied with a similar laugh as she hugged her eldest sister.

"Alright well I'll see y'all sometime this week. I love you, drive safe." Jacky said as she walked Karen to the door. Karen replied with 'I love you too sister!' as she walked to her car. Jacky stood at the door watching Karen as she got in her car before waving to her as she drove off.

She then closed and locked the door before heading to the kitchen and modifying more stuff. Once she was done there she headed to the guest bedroom she had set up for Emrys to make sure everything was clean and ready for when she came home. After she was done with that she spent another hour cleaning the house and cooking when Angel called and told her that she was on her way with Em.

That practically spent Jacky spiraling as she rushed to get dinner done in time. Luckily by the time she finished Angel and Aaron were helping Emrys through the door. Jacky walked through the dining room to her living room and greeted them with a smile and hugs.

"Hi my babies. I hope y'all hungry, I just finished dinner." She said as she closed the door behind them and took off her apron.

"Man I'm starving. They was feeding me rabbit food all day."  Em said as she playfully rubbed her stomach.

"Well y'all go wash ya hands and then we can eat." Jacky said as she shooed them away in the direction of the bathroom.

"Ain't gotta tell me twice." Angel replied as she and Aaron helped Em to the bathroom.

Soon they were all sitting around the table eating and laughing amongst each other just basking in this blessing called a family.

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