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I immediately consoled Em as she broke down into tears. I knew they were tears of joy because we all had felt this huge weight finally be lifted off of our shoulders.

After a few minutes of trying to get her to calm down I noticed it wasn't working and she was about to send herself into a panic attack. My sisters noticed as well and we did what we do best, we sang to calm her down.

"Could there still be a chance left for me? To have all the things my soul needs? Is this the day my heart longed for always? Might start to cry but a lot for me to say." Karen started singing softly as she sat next to Emerys.

"I have searched all my days just to find. Helps to know you are there all the time. My circumstance, allowed a second chance. For me to find love or what is that love found me? Now what my heart longs to hear is simply yes." She continued causing me and Dorinda to sing the chorus with her.

Emrys started to calm down as we continued to sing and soon she was resting her head against my shoulder as she listened to us singing. After singing the chorus a few times we stopped and all got up and wrapped her in a hug before walking out so we could leave.

It was almost time for dinner so we decided to just go out to eat instead of rushing home to cook. Karen called Vicky to see if she wanted to come and she said yes so we made a pit stop at Karen's house before going out. Karen honked the horn a few times once we pulled up causing Vicky to walk out. She came around and got in the back with Emrys and gave us all a small hello before going back to her silence.

She and Emrys talked amongst themselves quietly as we drove to the restaurant, Em wanted Texas Roadhouse so that's where we were going. As usual we had about four table just to seat the whole family and we made it loud and churchy as we did with every restaurant we went to.

Everyone was in great spirits which thankfully helped Vicky's mood lighten for the duration of the night. We ate and had great conversations before getting up to leave. My sisters and I all filed out the door talking and laughing before getting into our cars and going back to Karen's house to spend some more time together.

Emrys and Vicky sat in the den while my sisters and I sat in the kitchen just chatting about everything and anything. I glanced back at Em and Vicky a few times just to make sure they were okay and on a couple occasions I saw Emrys wiping Vick's tears away. I knew that she was heartbroken and extremely sensitive at the moment and I'm honestly glad they have each other in times like this.

During the many ongoing conversations I heard Emrys's phone ring and saw her answer it quickly and quietly.

"Aight bet. I'm at my auntie's house come slide me real quick. Yeah Vicky mama house. Aight say less." She said before hanging and walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Ma, Keon and KJ bout to come over for a minute so I can talk to them." She came and told me causing me nod slowly.

"They coming in?" I asked causing her to shrug.

"I'll try to get them to come in a speak but I'm really just filling them in a everything that happened with the trial and trying to get some studio time." She replied making me hum and nod.

"Alright well be careful alright." I said making her nod and go back in the den with Vicky.


I feel bad kinda lying to Ma but if she knew what I was really doing she and all my aunties would drown me in holy water then whoop my ass into next year.

After waiting for a few minutes Keon texted me saying he was outside so I left out the den and went to the front door quickly grabbing my bag and walking outside to Keon's hellcat.

He unlocked the doors allowing me to jump in the backseat before dapping him and KJ up.

"Wadduo withcu gang?" KJ asked as I got settled in the back.

"Shit, coolin. Trial finally over wit so I'm just laying low for a while." I responded as I grabbed a smell proof bag from under the backseat. I opened it making sure all my shit was in the before closing it and putting it in my bookbag.

"Mom's want yall to come in a speak. Whole family in there cause we just got back from court." I said making them laugh.

"I see nigga, dressed like you goin to church or sum." Keon said still laughing.

"Man fuck you. Come say hi to my mama since you always in her shit eating." I said as I went to get out the car.

"Man keep talking shit and Ima be eating ha shit fa real. Thats a fine ass grown woman right there." Keon said making me smack the back of his head.

"Get off my moms nigga." I said as we got out the car and went into the house.

I put my bag in the closet and led them into the kitchen where everyone was.

"Hey Ms Jacky how you doing?" Keon asked as he walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"I doing fine sweetie, how are you? Been staying out of trouble?" She asked as she hugged him back before moving on to KJ.

"Yes ma'am. Just been working, schooling and recording at the studio."  He said which I knew was a lie. We was in the streets half the damn time.

"We just came in to speak to everyone before going back home. I heard the trials are finally over and everyone was here so we just wanted to pop up and say hello." KJ said waving to everyone with a goofy ass smile.

"Alright well y'all drive safe. I'm cooking on Sunday if y'all wanna stop by and grab a plate." Auntie Karen said making both of these goofy ass niggas rub they stomach.

"Man you know we gon be here Mrs K. Might even come to church too." Keon said making me laugh under my breath.

"Don't get my hopes up na!" Auntie K said with a laugh before hugging them goodbye.

I walked them to the door and quickly dapped them up before watching them get in the car and drive off.


word count: 1,124


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