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"So.. Do you want to meet them?" Candace asked after a few moments of silence.

"I... I don't know." Em responded with a sigh.

"That's alright. You can take sometime to think about it." Jacky said as she sat down next to Emrys.

"Why they come back now? I'm almost 18, I been through hell and I'm finally getting the life and love I been wanting since I can remember. Why they gotta come back now?" She vented slowly getting upset.

"Why ain't they try when I was little? When they first took me they just let the shit happen. Ain't nobody come visit me or nun. Why ain't they try when they had the chance? When I could still remember who they was? They probably don't even know I change my name, matter fact they don't know shit about me man. Fuck allat Ian with it and Ion wanna see none of em." She continued in full blown anger before pushing her chair out to leave out. She stood up slowly before getting a hold of her walker and leaving the kitchen.

Candace and Jacky shared a look of shock mixed with a little sadness as they allowed Em to go to her room to calm down.

"Well I guess I got my answer." Candace said with a sigh as she put her things away.

"She's just speaking from a place of hurt right now. Don't tell them she said no, give her a few days to really think about it so she can give you a genuine answer." Jacky replied as she kept her own feelings about the situation at bay.

"Alright but before I go we need to discuss the case." Candace began.

"They're pushing the court date up to next Monday at 9am. This first trial will mainly be us questioning Emrys as well as her former foster parents."

Jacky simply nodded and continued to listen to Candace speak.

"She's being provided an attorney by CPS and the jurors have been picked so once Monday hits everything will go flying. She's prone to be more stressed during this because she'll being seeing her foster parents frequently so I encourage that you and your sisters accompany her if possible." She finished as she stood up from the table causing Jacky to do so as well.

Candace continued to fill her in on the small details of the case as they walked to the door and soon she left, leaving Jacky alone with an upset teenager.


Once Candace left I went in the kitchen and finished everything I stopped working on before taking my apron off to go check on Emrys. I walked up to her room and heard her on the phone venting to someone about the situation so I just let her be for about thirty minutes before going back to check on her.

I came back and knocked on her door twice and stood there until she told me to come in. I could tell she was still upset because she was wiping her tears away as I walked in.

"I'm sorry for my language. I just ughh." She apologized before groaning in irritation whilst wiping her eyes again.

"It's alright I understand. Was that truly how you felt or was it just the anger talking?" I asked as I came around the bed to sit next to her.

"Both. I been trying for years to find my people and the moment I finally stop worryin bout it and let God do what he has planned they pop up. And Ion feel like that was part of the plan." She vented as I say next to her.

"But you don't know what his plan is so how do you know if it wasn't supposed to be a part of his plan?"

"Because she said everyone wanna see me except for my mama. Everyone except for the woman who carried me for 41 weeks and was in labor for 56 hours with me. After my sister died she just let then take me, ain't even try to beg them not to or nothing, she just let me go." She sighed as she leaned on me. I wrapped my arm around her and set my head on top of hers before answering her.

"Maybe she let them take you because she knew she couldn't care for you. You have to remember you lost a sibling but your mother lost a child and one thing a mother never wants to do is to have to bury her child. It's alright to be upset with her for the time being but you can't harbor hate in your heart for the rest of your life."

"I don't hate her. I just hate the fact that she didn't even try to get me back. She went and had other kids and didn't come looking for me." She said. Her voice cracked a little at the end and soon she was crying again.

I just kept her wrapped in my arms trying to offer as much comfort as I could in this moment. Lord knows I hate to see her hurting.

word count:861

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