~chapter 10~

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As soon as the movie was over, Ted got up and announced he was going to bed.

"So folks, movies over, I'm going to sleep!"

"Goodnight," me and schlatt said in unison as we both glared at each other.

"Awe, you guys are too cute. Anyway, you might want to finish up here because you still need to sort out sleeping arrangements," Ted said as I groaned. I forgot about that....

"I call the bed, no way this bitch is beating me to it" schlatt said as he ran to the bedroom door and locked it. My jaw dropped and I looked over at Ted to see his reaction, he didn't look surprised, Why am I even surprised, that's such a schlatt thing to do.

"what an asshole" I mumbled as walked up to the door and knocked on it.

Ted walked past me to go to his room, as he mumbled a last good night before shutting the door.

"schlatt open the door!" I said banging on it.

The door flew open and he dragged me in by my arm.

"what the hell are you doing" I asked shocked by his sudden movement.

"can you shut the fuck up my head hurts, and I already told you I'm taking the bed so hurry up and get your blankets or whatever!" he shouted at me looking pissed off.

"my luggage is in here dipshit, I cant sleep in skinny jeans!" I raised my voice at him. I mean how was I supposed to sleep in skinny jeans?

"then get your fucking luggage!" he shouted at me, sounding like he was really agitated.

"I would love to but some assholes taken a hold of my arm" I shouted back and him as we both looked down to my arm.

He let go looking me in my eyes and walked into the closet as I went to pick up my bags.

as I was opening the door to leave after I got my bags he called my name...


"what?" I said impatiently. I just want to sleep...

he threw me over a spare blanket and a small cushion.

"you'll probably need those" he said softly.

"yeah I will seen as I've been made sleep on a shitting couch" I said rudely.

I walked out to the living room not bothering to listen to his response and set my luggage on the ground and opened my bags to pull out a spare t shirt. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door to change. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I took off my skinny jeans and my t shirt to change into a newer one. Sleeping in underwear is way more comfort than skinny jeans.

I unlocked the door and to my fucking horror, schlatt was standing there waiting for me to come out.

"Jesus took you long enough" he said as he looked down at my legs stealing a glance.

"in case of next time, maybe don't walk around half naked in case anyone else sees you" he says as he put his hand gently on my waist to move me out of the way of the door frame so he could get past.

I stood there shocked as he locked the door, I mean what do you want me to do? The man I hate just saw me half naked!

I quickly turned off all the lights and jumped onto the couch so that he wouldn't see me like this again....

because that was embarrassing.

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