~chapter 6~

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It was later on in the day when Ted came up with the idea that we should watch a movie together, with schlatt, sadly.

Ever since I entered the apartment, he's been talking to me, which is weird because he's an asshole but I think he's just trying to get on my nerves. It's working....

We all agreed to go out and buy sweets and drinks and stuff for the movie, so I grabbed a hoodie out of my suitcase and walked to the door to leave, but of course ted needed to go to the bathroom so I was stuck with schlatt again.

"You enjoying the stay here, grumpy? or is it not the five-star service you were looking for?" he picked at me.

"You have a problem with me being here, schlatt?" I am starting to really lose it.

I glared at him as he just laughed. seriously, who does he think he is?

"If you have a problem, there's the door," I angrily spat at him, " and I sure have no problem with you leaving," I added on to my angry threat.

Just as schlatt was about to respond, Ted opened the bathroom.

"All right, happy campers, we ready to go?" he joked excitedly as he opened the door, and we walked out of the apartment ,of course not before I had to give schlatt one more dirty look.

The car ride was even worse, schlatt called Shotgun, so I had to sit in the back, and of course, he turned the radio up really loud to mess with me. What surprised me was that Ted didn't even say anything or even turn the music down, smiling as if I didn't know something.

We pulled up to this random store which was located about 6 mile away from teds apartment, not to far away but it was long enough for me to almost commit to murdering schlatt and having a Netflix documentary made about me, titled the 'grumpy girl' who strangled her enemy with an aux cord in her best friends car... while he was present.

we got out of the car and walked into the store. I followed the signs to the sweet section and picked up a few things to snack on for the movie. I looked up at the signs to see if there was anything else I needed or wanted to buy.

my eyes widened when I noticed they sold alcohol here. bingo, thank god I need something to get me through this trip. I mean, I'm supposed to stay here for 3 weeks! 3 weeks I have to put up with him, I thought as I scanned through all the bottles of alcohol and chose a bottle of pink gin and got a tall bottle of vodka for good measures.

"didn't know you drank grumpy," schlatt sounded surprised.

Yeah, because of you, I thought.

"huh well I know you drink," I said to him, looking over his shoulder to see where Ted went. I didn't want to be stuck with him much longer.

"Really, how?" can practically smell it off you.

"Because you bought whiskey?" I obviously stated.

"Oh, you have eyes, maybe use 'em a bit better when you're doing your hair cause jesus it looks like a birds nest." he laughs

"So do those side burns," I said angrily as I walked up to the counter to pay for my stuff.

"32.77, please love?" the cashier asked me as I thought nothing of it and handed him the money.

he hands me my change, and I thank him and walk out of the store and jump into the car.

schlatt must have stayed in the store to buy something, not that I care, but he wasn't in the car.

"he is a nightmare ted really! I don't know how you put up with him, " I said, hurt at schlatt's remarks.

"You'll get used to him," he smirks.

what the hell is that supposedly to mean?

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