that place where gunwook almost died

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[ haohao fan club ]

mattymatthew guys

mattymatthew do u wanna hang out after school?

mattymatthew i have nothing else to do

51cky sure

gunw00k_ oh so you can only hang out with us when you have "nothing else" to do ??

jiwoooong sure i can hang

51cky i have to finish some work after school tho

51cky so i can come like an hour after

mattymatthew awesome!!

mattymatthew ignoring gunwook's comment🫶

binbinbin i can too

binbinbin i don't do my work anyways so i can come whenever

raetae yeah

raetae where should we go?

vincentvangyu i'll come if there's food

gunw00k_ ok vincent

mattymatthew i was thinking

mattymatthew maybe

mattymatthew that tree by gunwook's house

mattymatthew we haven't been there in a while

binbinbin omg we haven't

hanijuy yeah when was the last time we went there

hanijuy the beginning of the year?

51cky oh yeah

51cky bc it was cold as hell

raetae OH RIGHT

jiwoooong wasn't that when gunwook slipped on the rock

vincentvangyu LMFAOO

vincentvangyu IT WAS

mattymatthew BRO TT

binbinbin YES

binbinbin he lowkey almost died tho

gunw00k_ yeah it actually want that funny

hanijuy it kinda was

hanijuy but he did end up in the hospital and my mom didn't let me hang out with u guys for like a month

raetae yeah that wasn't fun

51cky at least we got to see gunwook fall

gunw00k_ >:(

vincentvangyu hey man u survived

vincentvangyu couldn't have been that bad

gunw00k_ okay ONE it hurt like a bitch

gunw00k_ TWO

gunw00k_ i literally got stitches ????


mattymatthew yeah it was pretty bad actually

binbinbin yeah

binbinbin ...anyways

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