the tree / the employee

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"where the hell is he?" gyuvin huffed, dramatically wrapping his arms around his stomach. he'd been complaining about how hungry he was for what felt like the past hour, though it was likely less than that. "i'm literally going to die"

"then why didn't you bring your own food?" ricky retorted, earning a glare from gyuvin. he was bordering on hangry. but, he kept his mouth shut, afraid he'd talk out the last bit of energy - or sanity - that he had left.

this was much to the luck of the others. jiwoong, who had been laying on the grass with his eyes shut, lifted his head to look at the others. "we should do something fun"

"like..." gunwook started, urging jiwoong to actually give a suggestion of what to do. honestly, he wasn't sure what to do either.

before he could respond, jiwoong caught gyuvin's eye, who he noticed was intently glaring at him from a few feet away.

"okay... maybe we wait until hanbin brings food"

ricky sighed. "how is it possible to take this long to get food. i would've been back by now"

"sure," taerae mumbled, almost as an immediate response, making ricky look to him. taerae ignored him.

the group of seven sat in silence for a bit longer. matthew was to the right of jiwoong, playing with the grass next to him, sitting with his legs crossed.

gunwook sat opposite of them, sitting right on the rock he slipped on almost a year ago, as if asserting dominance over it. ricky, who leaned against the side of the rock, couldn't help but to have snorted when he had seen gunwook's choice of seating.

the others were spread randomly around the small area - taerae and yujin sat side by side, gyuvin leaning against the side of the tree.

having been friends for so long, there came a point where sitting in silence was an acceptable form of "hanging out", but, knowing the personalities of each individual, they couldn't stay like that for long. 

"i swear..." gyuvin started again, earning a very audible sigh from gunwook, who dropped his head into his hands. "... if hanbin doesn't stop dilly dallying and get his ass back here, i'll go there myself and absolutely kick his ass"

"i'm sure he'll be here soon," yujin responded. "it hasn't even been that long"

"but it has been"

"not really. i mean, if you count the time we've been here, how long it takes for hanbin to get to the store, and... and how long it takes him to get here from there, then-"

"both of you please stop talking"

matthew giggled lightly at the bickering between the others, glancing up. "i can text him and ask where he is," he offered. "but don't get mad at me if he says he's nowhere close to being here"

gyuvin nodded his head rapidly at matthews words. he held his pinky up. "i promise i won't get mad"

at that, matthew pulled his phone from his back pocket, pulling up his and hanbin's messages

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[ binbinbin ]

mattymatthew HANBIN

mattymatthew WHERE

mattymatthew ARE

mattymatthew YOU

mattymatthew i swear if i hear gyuvin complain one more time about being hungry i'm gonna shove my foot in his mouth

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