Chapter 7: Cat meets Crow Part 2

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Leone Middle School

At the middle school students were seen heading to class as they did Manny was seen a bit bruised up.

Frida: Manny, what happened?!

Manny: I got into a fight with some new supervillain.

Frida looked at Manny worried and then calmed her down.

Manny: Hey, don't worry El Gato helped fight her off.

Frida: El Gato? Why were you with that guy? You know your dad has been trying to catch him right?

Manny: Well actually the reason I fought the villain was that I saw El Gato chasing her.

When Manny said that Frida looked at him in shock.

Frida: Wait, you tried to help fight off this female villain El Gato was fighting only to get your butt kicked?

Manny: When you say it like that yeah it sounds bad.

Frida then was about to ask another question only for Shiro and Zoe riding into school.

Shiro: Leone Middle School. Thank you for riding the Shiro Express.

Shiro then got off the bike and helped Zoe off it which smiled.

Zoe: Thanks Shiro, that was fun.

Shiro: Definitely, we should try that again when we do this next time.

Zoe smiled and nodded and headed into the school.

Frida: I still don't get it. Why would Zoe hang with your cousin? Does he not get it? She is evil!

Manny: Frida-

Frida: I mean, she is a total jerk and has done bad things to me and is a menace!

Manny: Frida-

Frida: And don't get me started with-

Manny: FRIDA!

Frida then stops talking, looking confused until Manny nervously points at Shiro which she turns her head to see Shiro looking annoyed.

Shiro: It's only ten o'clock, and you're already spouting garbage about my friend.

Frida: Your friend bullied me! She has made my life miserable!

Shiro looks at Frida and sees she was serious and decides to listen.

Shiro: Okay, fine tell me what she has done.

Frida looked surprised but nodded and told her side of the story of what Zoe has done to her. After listening to what Zoe was doing, he was both shocked and surprised at how capable Zoe could do a lot of horrible things to a person but continued to listen.

Frida: Zoe has done nothing but made my life miserable. I have been humiliated, beaten, and so many other unspeakable things so tell me do I not have the right to call her a monster?

Shiro looks at Frida and feeling bad as he was always defending Zoe yet not knowing what she has done to Frida.

Shiro: Okay, I have no excuse for defending Zoe for her actions. Her actions were indeed heinous and downright nasty.

Frida: Finally, we agree on something!

Shiro: But you are not so innocent either. You also retaliated by doing the exact same thing. Also, another thing I will add is that I now understand why you didn't invite her. She caused you a lot of pain that has given you a lot of trauma. So I am sorry for not understanding why you don't like Zoe.

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