"Your expectations are a little too high then, Prince Capture Me Without A Name," Yueru teased, thinking about how Ixant had taught him to provide nicknames for people who refused to provide a name before borrowing the books Roa's outdoor library had to offer. "Evolving means moving forward, but all I can see now is someone who is risking a flourishing future for a past they could not forget. Even the mountains aged by day, and the seas rose a little higher by time."

"Whatever you say, it matters not to me because all I know is that even angels have their rage. When the universe does not revolve to their desire, chaos will follow. Just like Herbert Fletcher Zaeheri, the legendary Golden Hands you never had a chance to witness," Zyair smirked, gesturing for his guards to take the prince away from his sight. "My mother was right, love feels like the rain. It descends and disappears anytime it wants. It is time some of you learn the true meaning of it."

With the new company being removed from the room, Zyair motioned for the doors to be shut, leaving only him and his trusted advisor to be there. He studied the map delicately, thinking of every possible item in Zhea that could be their new companion's target. Sharing almost four decades together, Zyair felt certain that they would not be searching for anything valuable.

"Do you think they are searching for the heart of Zhea?" Lorcan voiced out, leaning by the pillar. "The map is very simple. Despite its detailed mapping on the other parts of the castle, it seeks only one path."

"I could care less of what they want Lorcan. If I was not clear enough, I am setting a cheese box for a certain large mouse," Zyair expressed, picking up the bottle of wine set by his side table. "It should be clear enough by now."

Lorcan parted his lips, craving for a clearer picture, but they were eventually sealed by the obscene creature before him. 

== xxx ==


1956 hours

Herbert Fletcher Zaeheri 

If help is a living being, it would be shaking its head vigorously with a quill noting down all the lessons that should be held especially for him.

Perching by the tree behind the small settlement, Herbert watched Erix and Arwan spending their time creating a new kind of herbal essence for their customer that had just left. He watched them leave before taking another quick peak to see if the couple was busy. Herbert knew that with every passing second, he was risking Yueru's safety to the royals. As he strolled past the night market, it made his suspicions even clearer when there was a lack of scouts after Yueru was gone. Most of the scouts were patrolling, completing their daily tasks unlike those from the earlier ones that lingered around. Herbert never needed help, but since he visited Zhea with Yueru, the future prince of Roa he had to think of the reputation the prince had to offer. He could not decide hastily like before when he was all free and wild. He is walking this path with someone who could make a change to kingdoms yet to come.

"Another hour? It's nearly dinner," Erix muttered, picking up the fresh mangoes and sniffing them. "We should teach her some self-control. Or else, she might just live in the sea for the rest of her life."

"Now, there is no need to be trouble about it. She is born part serpent which is why she has her attachments. Why don't you stop worrying and rest before you pick her up?" Arwan smiled, pecking his husband's cheeks lightly. "Let her know I am making coconut candies. I am sure she will race you home."

"You are making me regret. Encouraging my nephew to the party with his boyfriend," Erix replied. "He never got a chance to meet little Thera. I really miss having my blood family around. Especially someone as understanding as Yueru and my sister-in-law. I wish I could return back to Roa occasionally without someone dragging onto my spine."


Was that how others view his relationship with Yueru? Herbert felt his cheeks grow warm. He climbed down the tree, heading towards the settlement.

"Erix, dear, I enjoy their company too, but until both Herbert and Yueru get what they need for their mission, I suggest we do not interfere. They are walking on glass shards. Love, please don't misunderstand me. I care for your nephew. I care for the extinct vampire too, but whatever they are doing," Arwan sighed. "It could cost us a lot. Not just us, but Thera too. I am not ready to lose you or Thera, and this, this is not our path and we are not a part of their story. Just a tiny one maybe."

Herbert noticed that Arwan took a sharp breath before he proceeded with his speech carefully.

"You were once a part of the royal family. When they wish for someone to disappear, they can, just by a snap of their fingers. No warnings. Nothing," Arwan stated. "Most importantly, they have no skeletons. Only obliterated ashes."

He heard enough. He knew that if he set his shaking knuckles on the door, both Erix and Arwan would tear down the world to assist him in saving Yueru. Then, trouble might befall them and their child. It was enough as a sign for him. Besides, it would be simple. Since the attacker called him an old friend, then there must be one among the deserted years that they crossed paths. And, for someone to execute such a significant act, Herbert could only think of one specific person. Letting his guesses swim around his pond of memories, he made his way towards the castle.

The sound of a cheering crowd caught his attention, reminding him of the bets he had once witnessed during his younger days. Herbert passed the men and women who shouted intensely at the running mice on the table. They were holding a tiny cob in their small fingers.

This kingdom is a playground. A sanctuary for grown-ups who seek their inner child that was misunderstood and ascended the staircase a little quicker than the others.

Shaking his memories away, Herbert gritted his teeth together as a flash of blood-like features passed him. Herbert pinched the hem of his clothes, moving forward to the arch covered in silver and gold linings. With every step he took, he could feel his steps getting heavier and the air sunk thicker.

"Name and purpose of visiting the royal grounds," the guards questioned, standing before him.

Herbert picked the note out from his pocket and handed it to them.

"I am invited," he said straightening his back as his eyes flashed red within seconds. "And I demand immediate attention. I am a very impatient man."

"Herbert Fletcher Zaeheri," a strident voice announced from the gates. "Welcome. The prince is waiting." 

Word Count: 1,881 words

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Word Count: 1,881 words

Cumulative Word Count: 21,083 words

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