Chapter 7 Confusion

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At night
Taehyung was fighting with himself whether he should call jungkook or not....He wanted to ask younger about the Incident happened today...What he saw...was it...what he was thinking....he shook his head in denial and dialed jungkook's number....after 3-4 rings he picked it up.


Taehyung-can i come to meet you?


Taehyung-Umm i..i just want to talk to you...about something...

Jungkook-Tsk...cant it wait?


with that he cutted the call without waiting for the older's reply.

Taehyung hurriedly wore his coat and Took his car keys going out of the Mansion...
Luckily his parents were asleep...
It was around 11:30...PM

Taehyung reached jungkook's house and started climbing to his balcony...

He reached the window and knocked on it...The curtains were closed but lights were on...

He knocked 4-5 times still jungkook didn't come....

At last he called him....But the younger didn't picked up the calls either...

He was about to call again when the window opened...revealing jungkook in pajamas.....

Even in the pajamas messy hair...He still managed to look ethreal...


Jungkook-(Rolls his eyes) Come..

Taehyung went inside closing the window and sat beside jungkook on bed...

Jungkook-what is it....?


Jungkook-Can you stop stuttering?And please speak fast m sleepy...

Taehyung-y-yeah m sorry....Umm its just i-i saw you..coming out of a classroom with messy hair and clothes...and just after that the same girl who was flirting with you also came out with me-messy hairs and clothes...So......
(He says and looks at jungkook who was looking at him calmly...)

Jungkook-(Shit....what should i say now....) Um...u-u r mistaken...She-she was the one who pulled me in the classroom and-and tried to seduce me...but i-i pushed her off causing her to fall and-and she grabbed my shirt tried kissing me and that's-that's why...Our clothes hair everything was messed up.....

Taehyung-Oh my god...she is such a bitch...I am so sorry i assumed things...its just i thought u...u r a college so...

Jungkook-its that all?

Taehyung-y-yeah....and umm...tomorrow is sunday...would you like to go out with a date.....
(He said while fidgeting his fingers in nervousness)

Jungkook-(I dont have anything to do either...i'll just go...) Okay...

Taehyung-(Smiles brightly) really ...thnku soo much....

He said and goes forward to jungkook but jungkook backs away in surprise...

Taehyung-what happen?
(He said while looking at jungkook in confusion)

Jungkook-n-nothing why r u not going?

Taehyung-i will i am just coming for a kiss...
(he said again coming close)



Jungkook stands up from bed causing taehyung to stand too...

Jungkook-umm...not today m not in the mood...just go bye

Taehyung-but..i will only peck...

Jungkook-i said no...

Taehyung-did i do something wrong...tell me....m sorry if i did..anything to make you angry..
(He said and hold jungkook's hands softly...Looking at him with eyes full of love)

Jungkook-(takes deep breath)Only peck.


With that he pecked jungkook's soft lips and give them a light suck...causing jungkook to widen his eyes...

Jungkook-(backs off) okay now bye...

Taehyung-wont you give me...

Jungkook-look r u going or not...if not i'll not go with you tomorrow..

Taehyung-(Widens his eyes)n-no m going...

With that taehyung left..

Jungkook's pov.
Tsk what is this...why do i feel snakes in my stomach whenever he kisses me or touches me....

Second person's pov
He laid down to sleep but decided to check on his phn...He decided to tell his frnds about date thing..

Jungkook-guyz....m going on a date with that old man


Jungkook-u guyz r idiots...tell me what should i do to piss him off...

Yugy-Hmm...just tell him to take to an expensive restaurant...and mall expensive one buy things from there and make him return home with no money...

Eunwoo-u drunk?😂

Jungkook-i think its a good idea...i will get to know whether he really loves me or not....

Bambam-wow yugy very gud...
Eunwoo-yeah..gud gud gud...

Yugy-thnks huh...

Jungkook-okay thn...I'll tell u guyzz about the date how it went...

Yugy-okay bye
Bambam-gud nyt
Eunwoo-horror dreams...

Jungkook-same to you all

With that he closed his phone and slept...

Thats it for now...
Be ready for the date...
take care bunniees...

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