Chapter 15

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I'm back again! Hopefully I really get to finish this story. I'm very sorry guys for slipping in and out of Wattpad. It's just that college happened and I went back to my old hobby so I really didn't have time to write again which is sad. You know that feeling when you want to write but when you try, nothing comes out? That's what I felt for a long time. And now I think it's back! Yay!

Bear with me, guys! Cross your fingers and pray that I actually finish this story :)


"Just one bag?"

Emma rolled her eyes at the confused man standing in her room at the inn she was staying as she checked she bathroom one last time.

"You traveled to New York with one small bag?"

He still stood here, clearly perplexed by the single duffel bag in his good hand, rather, his once good hand. He didn't have the hook, after all. She raised an eyebrow at him as she leaned against the door frame of the bathroom door.

"That's what I told you, but you insisted." she smirked as his frustration grew.

He did that signature eyebrow thing of his, making butterflies flutter inside her stomach even in his frustrated state. "Yeah, but I thought you were joking, and not actually have just one bloody bag!"

Emma just shrugged her shoulders, turning around to close the bathroom door behind her. She snatched the room keys sitting on the bed. Gesturing for him to go out of the room, she stuck her tongue out. "Not my fault."

"Oh yeah, it's my fault." he said sarcastically, still adorably confused. Emma just laughed because, god, could his man get any cuter? She shook her head as he passed by, hearing mutters along the lines of 'one bloody bag' and 'crazy woman'.

When they were standing on either sides of his pickup truck, his head appeared just over the hood.

"Okay, you owe me, Swan."

She frowned at him. "What?"

"I'm still not over the fact that you only have one duffel bag, so you owe me a meal." he said sternly, not one bit of silliness on his face.

She looked at him as if he was joking. "Seriously? I didn't even do anything."

"Didn't do anything? You just tricked me, lass." he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I did not do that." she said with a small laugh. "That was you being stubborn."

"Nooo." he whined. "You tricked me into thinking you tricked me when you weren't tricking me."

She couldn't help it, she laughed out loud, earning herself a pout from the man standing across her with a disapproving look on his face.

"And a coffee too for that laugh." he said when she finally calmed herself down, pouting in challenge.

She shook her head. "You're not gonna drop this, are you?"

"What do you think?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Is that a yes?"

"What do you think?" she said, hiding the smile forming on her lips because she wasn't going to lose just because she used his words on him.

A big smile adorned his lips as he grinned like Cheshire Cat. She must be staring wide eyed at him with a grin that mirrored his. She knew she was because her cheeks were starting to hurt too. Schooling her features to a shy smile, she shook her head at his reaction.

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