Chapter 11

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" All the little things are gone

The things we used to be"


It felt like...

Cold water splashed on her face.

Everything fell apart.

Darkness took her in.

She fainted.

Except it wasn't any of those. It would have been better if it was, but it wasn't.


She felt nothing. No pain. No disappointment. No anger.


Just an eerie silence inside her heart.


His voice was like a light in the middle of the darkness, pulling her out of her broken fortress. She could see herself looking at him blankly. It was when he raised his left eyebrow slightly in question did she decide on what to do.

"S-sorry." she said, a little proud of the stutter that came out of her mouth because that was really her superb acting skills (or so she chose to believe) "I'm just a really big fan, and well, seeing you right now made me a bit overexcited."

He waved at the bartender in thanks without taking his eye off of her. His confused stare broke into a wide grin as he swirled the dark liquid in the glass. "That relieves me."

"That you sing well? It's obvious that everyone likes your voice." Emma complimented with words an avid fan would because she really hadn't heard his voice properly but she knew it sounded just as good as his voice.

He laughed as he brought the glass to his lips. "It's also obvious that you're new around here."

Her eyes flicked to his lips as his tongue shot out trailing over his lower lip. She could feel heat rising to her cheeks and she wanted to believe it was the alcohol. When he looked at her again, she quickly lifted her gaze and acted as if nothing happened. It took her a few seconds before she realized that she was caught red-handed. He was looking at her funnily, waiting for her answer and all she could do was open her mouth.

"Cat got your tongue?" he teased, his lips puling up into a smirk that was painfully his.

She shook her head. "Fine, you got me I'm new here." she said, looking at the liquid inside the glass, not looking at him.

"So why the long face?"

She sighed. "Nothing." She would not tell him because it feels weird talking to someone about the same person and he doesn't even know it.

"Well, we just met anyway. Apologies for my manners." he said.

She chuckled, but she could feel the tears stinging her eyes because it reminded her so much of him. But she could still feel nothing.

"I just..." her voice trailed off. She thought he would walk away. If he didn't remember her and his hand - god, he had his hand back - then he was just like any other guy in the planet. Men would have excused themselves and walked away. But he didn't. He stayed as if he was waiting for her.

"I think I need a job." she said softly. She didn't know what she was saying. How could she be so stupid? She wasn't looking for a job. She was looking for him. A job wasn't needed for that. But it was too late. The words already left her mouth.

"A job?" She could see his handsome face with his eyebrow up in question. "You know what? I think they are in need of a bartender here."

Taking a risk, she looked at Killian who was looking at her like he was looking at her the entire time. "Any experience there, lass?" he asked.

"A little." Being on the streets made her a bit observant, and she did know a few things about bartenders when she was a bail bonds person.

He put his glass down, the sound loud even with the loud music playing. "Perfect!" he smiled at her, making her dizzy. He waved at the blonde man at the end of the bar. "Rob! I think you've got a new bartender right here!"

And that was how she got herself into a job that she didn't even really need. But soon she realized that she may not need it, but it might help her with Killian. It was all going well. Rob, she found out, was a kind man in his thirties. She wasn't going to lie, he was handsome and was single to her surprise. Sometimes he was behind the bar, but sometimes he was just one of the customers lounging on the couches.Things went a little out of hand when Killian excused himself and she unconsciously reached out for him to ask him to stay. When she realized what she did, her face grew hot as she muttered a small word of thanks to which he smiled at and waved at her, making her heart skip a beat.

Her eyes were on the hard concrete sidewalk, but she wasn't really looking at them. She finally found Killian. And he didn't remember her. Not one bit. All night she kept stealing glances at him, trying to find any signs of recognition on his face. It pained her. It killed her to see the distance between them now. Because it wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be full of tears of joy, full of hugging, full of hot wet kisses, full of love. But it wasn't, and she just felt so broken again. For years, no one had been able to fix her heart. Here came this one-handed pirate captain who patiently put her back together piece by piece even if the pieces sometimes fall out. And now that her heart was starting to heal, it was getting broken again by the same man who put it together.

She could feel the tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, but she shut them close to keep them from falling out. Because if she cried, it would feel so much like giving up on Kilian. And she wasn't going to do that because not one moment did he give up on her. Now that it was her turn, she was also going to choose to put her trust on him.

She got herself a job. She already found him. Wiping the tears in her eyes, she pulled her phone out and scrolled through her contacts. She was going to need that space for rent in one of the apartments nearby after all. How long she was staying, she didn't know, but she did know that it would take a while. It didn't matter to her at this point. All that mattered was that she was going to get him back.


I know it's a bit confusing, but please hang on. I promise you everything's going to be clear at some point in the future. Reviews, anyone? Votes too please!

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