Chapter 10

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She didn't know where Killian was. But she did know that someone as perceptive and experienced as he was would know to stick to the main road. Judging by this strip of road, it would only lead to one place.

New York City.

She didn't know how to find him too. Not exactly. She was once a bail bonds person. Of course, she knew how to find a single person in a mass of people in a big city. Although would be a bit difficult, she would admit, because she didn't have any contacts in NYC just as she had in Boston back then.

She would be honest that she never thought that her skills as a bail bonds person would come in handy especially now when she wasn't alone anymore.

As she passed by a diner in the middle of the highway, she wondered if he left any trail for her. Well, she certainly hoped he did. Or at least hoped that he wasn't hiding because it would make things a bit harder for her.

She clutched the steering wheel as a wave of confidence washed over her. Whatever happened, she would find him.

Emma wasted no time. The moment she arrived in New York she found herself a place to stay and temporarily got herself a room in an inn while she tried to find a more stable location.

The room wasn't too big but it also wasn't too small. Just the right size for a single person. She flopped down on her bed and did her thing. It wasn't long before she found something to start on because she was so focused on finding Killian.

A lot of the trails ended cold, but some would always branch out into more trails. And for the next few days, Emma found herself driving around the city, going in and out of shops, asking people, annoying the shit out of people. Well, some people were just rude like that.

As a bail bonds person, she knew that some days were just bad. When everything just falls apart. When every trail she had would go cold. When everything just seemed wrong. That day was today. She had absolutely nothing because one trail lead to one thing that brought down a chain of trails that resulted in breaking the whole map in her head.

She wasn't going to give up right away so she gave herself a few more days. She knew that being frustrated did nothing to help in anything.  Much more when her mother called her asking how she was.

"I'm fine, Mom." She tried really hard not to sound angry or hopeless, but she knew her mother knew that something was wrong and she hoped she wouldn't push it.

"Okay, then. Henry wants to talk to you."

It was good actually for her. It felt amazing to hear her son's voice and her parents' too. It reminded her that she had people behind her back now and it drove her to work even harder.

The same thing happened. Everything went cold and that was it. Emma felt everything at the same time. The pain. The anger. The sadness. The hate. The failure. What she needed, she decided, was a drink. A very strong one too.

She stopped her Bug at the closest bar and trudged inside. There wasn't a lot of people. Just the right amount of people for a drink. The place was simple and cozy. She could hear a male voice singing in the speakers. A bar singer and Emma didn't care. She went straight to the bar and ordered herself a drink.

It had been a while since she felt this way. This pain. She felt she couldn't do anything anymore like everything was drained from her. She didn't want to move. She didn't want to think. She just wanted time to stop.

She slid down the bar and buried her face into her arms. The bartender told her that her drink was ready as he set it in front of her. Without looking, she raised her hand to tell him it was okay. She heard him leave and suddenly she felt the tears at the back of her eyes. But she didn't cry. She cried out all of them back in Storybrooke after all. She was just so tired and so....

She wanted this to end as much as she wanted to succeed.

A group of girls giggled behind her and Emma didn't exactly know why, but she figured it must the bar singer because she could hear them whispering how great his voice was and how hot he was. Emma wanted to sneer at them to keep their mouths shut when she felt someone slip beside her.

She stayed still, ignoring how her body reacted to this stranger sitting beside her. She told herself it was just the AC blowing down on her. Then she heard a voice.

"Feeling alright there?"

She froze. Her heart rate picked up as that voice echoed in her ears. One more. She needed to hear that one more time because it might just be her ears playing tricks on her. Or she could just look up and see a pair of bright blue eyes twinkling under the low lighting of the bar, a flirty smirk on those soft lips, jet black hair swept back on his head.

He raised an eyebrow at her in an achingly familiar way.  He was here. Right in front of her. He was.... Now tears were starting to roll down her cheeks. Her heart felt like it was about to explode in happiness. Her lips stretched into a big smile. She found him. At last.

"Killian!" Putting her arms around him, she buried her face into his neck. She could smell his perfume, but under that she could smell leather and sea and rum. She was so happy, just so happy that she didn't realize that he wasn't hugging her back. Suddenly she felt hands on her arms, pushing her back gently into her seat.

"I'm aware that I'm very handsome, but no need to get so excited." She looked at him in confusion as he frowned at her. "Not that I'm complaining, but who exactly are you?"


It's hard removing these messages that I leave because there's no OUAT eps to talk about. Especially now that..... *runs to room and wraps blanket around self*

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