Ginny flicked the back of his head, making him wince. "It's probably a normal car with four doors, idiot. We have luggage."

Timothée groaned, taking a second to nudge her in the stomach. "Buzzkill."

"She's right." Austin chuckled from up front. "No way they're gonna send a car that can't fit us."

"You two are so boring." Timothée playfully whined.

The pilot peeked his head out and wished them a good stay in Monaco. Austin and Timothée shook his hand. Ginny just waved and shot him a gentle smile. The flight attendants opened the heavy door after, and the staircase was attached to the entryway. Austin stepped down first and made his way down to the tarmac. Ginny felt the warmth trickling in whilst she waited for Timothée to go. She followed the boys into the light of day and landed on the ground with a jump.

A bulky man in a formal suit stood in front of a black SUV. Ginny shot her brother a victorious smile, but he just ignored her bragging. The man wore an earpiece that wrapped around to his neck. There was a sign in his hand that read: Chalamet Party. He must be one of Pierre's bodyguards. He opened the passenger door first and Timothée gladly accepted. The man took his bag too.

"Thank you." Ginny smiled at him as he took her belongings. She tried to find a name tag but there was nothing. She dove into French, wanting to show some respect. "What's your name?"

He seemed to be taken aback by her question and maybe the fact that she actually spoke the same language. He raised a brow and shifted weight between his feet. "You can call me Mr. LeBlanc."

"You must be a fan of Friends." Ginny joked, referencing the actor who played Joey... Matt LeBlanc. The man held back a chuckle. She could tell by the way his lips nearly turn upwards.

He nodded slowly. "Mr. Gasly said you might make that joke."

"Did he?" Ginny felt a tight lump in her throat.

Mr. LeBlanc already had Austin's bags in his hands. He took them to the trunk. Ginny followed, making her way to the other side of the car where she'd sit in the backseat. A big white box caught her attention as the bodyguard gently stacked each bag like Tetris. He turned over his shoulder and grinned. "Mr. Gasly wanted me to give you this."

"What is it?" Ginny stood beside him, looking at the box with apprehension. A gift? From Pierre? He'd already told the bodyguard she'd be a jokester and now he was sending her a present?

"I'm not sure." Mr. LeBlanc replied sternly. "I'll keep it in the back for safe keeping until we get to the hotel."

"Did he send anything for my brother?"

The man reached up and closed the trunk in a swift motion. "No."

Ginny walked around the side and hopped into the backseat. Austin was beside her taking pictures through the window. Timothée kicked his feet up on the dash and had reclined his seat back to Austin's knees. She had a funny feeling in her stomach about her interaction with Mr. LeBlanc.

"Mr. Gasly said you might make that joke."

She chewed her bottom lip. She wondered if he liked being called Mr. Gasly or if it reminded him of his father. She shouldn't be thinking about that. She should be thinking about the fact he's already inserting little tricks. She wouldn't let him get under skin. She wouldn't. Ginny watched as the car pulled forward. She was ready to see Monaco flash before her eyes.

The drive to the hotel wasn't that long. Timothée and Austin talked the whole time about the up-coming race, practices, some historical buildings in Monaco, and some random gossip about Dune 2. Ginny wanted to make a joke about Austin's appearance in the movie, but decided not too. Even if she was going to be strong, a part of her still would always replay Pierre's words.

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