Chapter 15: Luci! Tell me your secrets.

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You have been watching this fight for a good ten minutes... and every second is agonizingly painful. Your stomach was turning with anxiety when you saw Thor throw his hammer at Lü Bu again. Lü Bu's grin grew wider when he saw the hammer flying towards him. He dodged it throwing his spear at Thor's chest, but Thor caught it throwing it back before catching his hammer.

The two of them glared at each other, their frustration growing with the intensity of the fight.

"Sister, Zeus is looking over here with a creepy grin..." You heard Göll say nervously as she shuffled closer to Brunhilde.

"Yes. It appears he has caught on." Brunhilde replied nonchalantly as you placed your hand back in your pocket.

Before Ragnarok began Brunhilde had a small talk with Göll regarding the first to fight for Ragnarok, she also discussed that no normal human weapon would be strong enough to fight a God. So she had a private discussion with her sisters to agree and help humanity by becoming weapons. Völundr. The process in which a Valkyrie unites their soul with a human of their choice. In this process, they became a Devine Weapon of that human's choice. The drawback of such an extreme move is that if the human does die, they both will perish. Brunhilde had gotten this secret from an anonymous person.

When Brunhilde finished her weird smile, Heimdall watched the fight, his eyes widening when he saw Lü Bu's halberd start to glow the all-familiar bright green. You watched with intent when Lü Bu's grin grew wider and Brunhilde smirked at the shocked faces of the gods.

"An unbreakable foe and an unbreakable weapon!" Lü Bu cheered. Thor's eyes narrowed and he pushed their weapons down, his grip tightening on the hilt of the Mjölnir before he let go. His arm came up as he blocked a stab of the halberd Lü Bu held. "That kind of world is the greatest!"

Lü Bu held his weapon against Thor's gloves, Járngreipr. Thor's eyes traveled down when he heard a crack.

You watched him closely, your mouth opening in shock when you saw cracks forming in his gloves. Lü Bu is breaking Thor's gloves!

The special abilities of the 13 Valkyrie dwell in the weapons made through Völundr. The fourth sister is Randgriz. The meaning of her name is... Shield Breaker. Mjölnir is a powerful weapon of the gods that can crush continents. However, anyone who wields its immense power and intense lava-like heat will be annihilated. Therefore, according to Edda, the story of Norse mythology, Thor wears Járngreipr to protect his hands. In other words, the greatest armor in the heavens, Járngreipr, is used to handle the greatest weapon in the heavens, Mjölnir.

You gasped when the bright light blinded everyone, the gloves on Thor's hands, crumbling to pieces while Lü Bu still held his grin victoriously.

"Ow..." you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes to get the black spots out of them, "I am fucking blind."

"How many fingers am I holding up?" You heard Göll ask. You looked through the spots, your eyes blinking away.


"Oop, she might be blind..." Göll said looking at her sister.

The moment the spots disappeared and you looked back at the arena, you saw Lü Bu's army cheer, the drums are loud as they shouted praise. Cheng Gong stood with a proud smile, tears still flowing down his cheeks, as he cheered to Lü Bu, the army behind him following close after. The humans sitting next to them cheered, and their spirits lifted.

Lü Bu swung his halberd at Thor, fast, but not fast enough to cut the god again. Thor's anger rose as he dodged all the attacks, his chest heaving as his right hand felt the air around it. This was not good. The moment Lü Bu's halberd stabbed Thor, you felt a murderous aura around you. Not from Thor, but from Zeus.

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