Chapter 4: Hestia's Palace

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You sat in your room, eating your breakfast as you waited for Brunhilde to finish hers as well. The only difference? She was eating in a dining hall along with all the others. You weren't allowed to go or enter the dining hall since you were human and you were supposed to be kept a secret. 

Apparently, a human was not even meant to be in Olympus; at all. You sighed as you finished your breakfast, standing up from the small table — where you ate — and walking over to the closet. The clothes in the closet were mostly fit for the cold season, but you guessed that since you are in Olympus, they don't really get any bad weather. 

You chose a simple and comfortable outfit; sweatpants and an oversized shirt. At first, you were surprised that the clothes fit you, but after looking at some of them, it seems that there were a few that seemed a little too big for you. 

Your head snapped to the door as you heard someone knock. Were you supposed to open it? Could it be a god?

"Uh, who is it?" you asked, raising your voice slightly. 

"[Name], it's me," you heard Brunhilde say. You breathed out, relieved that it was only Brunhilde. 

"Come in!" you said, closing the closet doors. Brunhilde walked in a second later, looking you up and down. 

"I thought that you might want to listen to this. Follow me," she told you, turning around and walking out. 

You jogged after her, stopping by her side. "Does it concern the fact that I am not meant to be here?" you asked. 

Brunhilde nodded, keeping her eyes on the hallway. "Yes, it does concern you. It seems that the new Oracle had a prophecy yesterday..." she said, her voice faltering ever so slightly. 

"Well?" If this prophecy has anything to do with you then you obviously have the right to know. 

"It seems that she has foreseen that a human has entered Olympus," she finally told you. 

Your breath hitched slightly at the sudden news. They know that you were here? That couldn't be good.

"Do they know it's me? I mean like, did she do this thing where it shows all the events?" you asked, curious if they knew how you looked like.

"No, she can't do that. I am sure you have some knowledge as to how she sees prophecies?" she asked, glancing at you. 

You passed a dark hallway, getting bad vibes from it. A deep rumbling echoed through the hallway. You quickly walked away from it, feeling eyes looking at your every move. 

"Well yes, but you never know how accurate the history could be," you said, keeping a close distance from her. After a few moments of silence and looking at different doors and hallways, you finally decided to speak up. "I had a dream again," you said, catching Brunhilde's attention.

"Oh? What was it about?" she asked. 

"I was in a different body, but everything that seemed to happen around looked familiar. There were people in gold and they talked in an ancient language, I think? Maybe South America?" you said, recalling how they had sacrificed you to the gods. You felt honored that you were chosen, but oddly enough you still felt how the knife pierced your chest. "I was sacrificed to the gods. I think I was in a man's body? It felt extremely real," you told her.

"Ah, it must've been one of your memories again. Do you remember anything from it? Can you remember what you were taught in that period of time?" she asked. 

You thought about it. As a matter of fact, you have new knowledge. Some are interesting, while others seem more... dangerous. "I think so? When did I learn to hunt?" you whispered. 

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