Chapter 2: Meeting

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"No!" you shouted in the air as you looked at the time. You couldn't go to the café like you wanted to.

"Don't be so dramatic. I got you a coffee," your best friend, Cameron, said. Honestly, he was probably the only person who understood you in this awful place called college.

"You know me too well bub," you told him taking the coffee from him. "How was the date with Jordan?" you asked. Knowing him, he probably wouldn't stick with Jordan, the cupcake man.

"Ugh, he kept saying the stupidest things," Cameron groaned as the two of you walked into school. "He dropped his fork at the diner and guess what he said."

"Sowwy?" you questioned.

"Yes! Who talks like that? Honestly, it's one of my icks," he told you sighing. "How will we find our knights in shining armor in this world? There are so many people and yet we find the most annoying of them."

"I wouldn't say all the people we tried dating were bad," you said.

"Oh yeah? Name one that didn't give you the ick or was embarrassing," he told you, keeping a finger in the air.

Shit. "Lucy," you gave him a name.

"She was a drug addict, [Name]," he told you. The look he gave you said more than enough.

"Uhh, what about that guy you went to the school fair? Braiden? Brandon?"

"His name was Brad. Which was a red flag already just by his name. And no, he left me for another guy."

"Alright, what about this one. Jason, the guy from the tech shop." You were positive this time that he did not do something. When you were on a coffee date him, he seemed nice and sweet.

"He ghosted you for a month and we later found out he was in jail for robbery. Admit it [Name] we have the worst luck when it comes to dating." The two of you continued to walk into the school, passing a couple of freshmen.

You thought for a couple of seconds before coming to a conclusion. "Maybe we have bad luck in dating because we have high standards from reading all those fantasy books?"

The two of you looked at each other. "Nah!" you both said. Cameron scoffed as you both entered your history class.

Since you both shared a love for history and mythologies, the two of you became friends right away. You weren't really great with socializing but Cameron walked right up to you. He did most of the talking at first, but when you started to warm up to him, you finally broke out of your shell and showed your true colors.

You took out your laptop and opened the necessary tabs that you would need for notes. Cameron sat next to you before going onto his phone. The class was in complete chaos until the professor arrived.

"Alright, everyone! Settle down," the professor waited for everyone to calm down before continue speaking. "Today we will be discussing Greek Mythologies."

"Like Medusa?" a guy exclaimed from the back.

Professor Michaels smiled. "Yes, like Medusa. Speaking of Medusa. We all know the tragic story of how she had become a monster. Can anyone elaborate that for me?" he asked, looking around the classroom. He stopped, pointing at the guy who had shouted. "Could you explain her story to us?"

"Sure. Medusa was said to be a beautiful woman, but she got caught by Athena in her temple along with Poseidon. Athena got mad since it was huge disrespect towards her and had turned Medusa into the mythological monster we know today."

That's... the stupidest explanation I have ever heard, you thought as you looked at him. You felt Cameron looking at you through the side of your eye. Turning to him, you shook your head in disbelief.

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