Chapter 8: Meeting the contestants

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Ah, a beautiful morning, with beautiful assholes right outside your bedroom door. 

You groaned as you heard maids and butlers running around the hallways as they were busy preparing for who knows what. You stood up from your bed, wiping the sleep from your eyes as you got prepared to get dressed. YoYou plano avoid Brunhilde and pretend that nothing happened yesterday. Maybe you should get dressed in-

*Knock Knock*

Sighing, you walked to your bedroom doors and opened them seeing a maid standing in front of you with a pair of neatly folded clothes in her hands. "Hello, ma'am. Brunhilde has requested that you should attend the meeting with humanity's defendants. She also requested that you wear these," she said, gesturing to the clothes in front of you. 

Your eyebrow lifted in curiosity as you stared at the pair of clothes. A dress? you wondered. You looked back at the maid, smiling at her. 

"I think I would like to wear my olothes," you told her. 

"I'm sorry, but Brunhilde told me that you should specifically wear this." This time she extended her arms forward, placing the dress in your hands. "She said you can wear any shoes along with it." And so she left. 

You stood by the door, utterly confused with why Brunhilde would want you to wear a dress instead of your olothes to the meeting. It made sense for you to be there since you were part of this so-called plan of hers. 

Closing the door, you went into your closet, standing in front of the long cheval glass mirror, you unfolded the dress to look at yourself. You held it up until your shoulders, examining the detail. It wasn't a bad dress, you wouldn't die from the heat if you were to wear it. A dark blue dress that ended just above your knees, with a silver-colored corset that was paired along with it.

"Hmm, maybe boots?" you thought. You would have to choose carefully. First impressions are always important, after all. 

You decided to wing with it instead of getting dressed in your olothes. Unfortunately, the plan would have to change a little bit. You would attend the meeting ignoring Brunhilde like nothing happened while also acting innocent. Just small adjustments. 

As you finished tying the laced to your flat ankle boots, you heard a knock at your door. "Hold on!" you yelled out, as you finished tying the laces. Walking to the door, the maid from earlier stood in front of you again. "Oh, hello again," you greeted her.

"Morning, miss [Name]. Would you please follow me into the conference room?" she asked before she walked in the opposite direction. 

"Sure," you mumbled. You followed her through the different hallways until you reached a rather big set of doors. Bigger than some of the bedroom doors you had passed (and there were a couple of huge double-set doors). 

"Please wait until you hear your name being called," she told you, bowing her head slightly before leaving. 

Why should I wait? you wondered as you heard voices start to talk from inside. You tapped your foot, bored from waiting. As you heard the voices getting louder, you stopped tapping your foot. You pressed your ear against the door still unable to hear what they were saying. The voices soon started sounding like people yelling at each other. The muffles of voices annoyed you further so you decided to just barge in. 

Opening the doors, you swung them open, catching the attention of everyone inside. It might not have been your brightest idea, but it shut them up. You saw Brunhilde looking straight at but you paid her no mind.

"Sorry, I'm late," you said smiling, as you moved to an open seat. The doors automatically close behind you. "But I was told I had to wait. I hate waiting."

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