Chapter 10: Preparations

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This week could not go any faster...

"Come on, [Name]. Stop daydreaming. You need to help me train!" Raiden whined.

"Oh, I am so sorry that I am ruining your training, while I will literally talk to fucking Zeus!" you exclaimed, frustration coursing through your veins. This whole week he has been asking for your attention, shouting your name in the hallways, sitting next to you at dinner, and asking you every second of your day to train with him.

"Thank you." He smiled cockily, his grin turning sinister.

"You motherfucker..." you said threateningly. Your eyes narrowed as you got even more annoyed by his stupid grin. You knew he wanted to rile you up, but this, this meant war.

You lunged at him, your wrapped knuckles tightening in your grip as you drew closer to him. He may be bigger and stronger, but that was his downfall. Plus he wasn't the smartest.

His grin widened as he saw you running towards him. He's probably thinking that he's in my head.

You ducked quickly, as his fist passed right above your head. Successfully blocking his right hook, you jabbed at his exposed stomach. He let out a grunt quickly pulling his arms back in, avoiding any more jabs that you could throw at him. Sliding between his legs, you quickly turned around trying to kick his knees out. Keyword: trying. He was already facing you, your eyes briefly widened as you dodged another punch. As you dodged, punch after punch, you tried to look for an opening.

He went in for another punch while you decided enough was enough. You dodged it, leaning to the right before sending a full punch on the side of his jaw. He stumbled back, shaking his head as he tried to regain his thought. You took this opportunity to kick his legs out from underneath him. He fell on his back, letting out a grunt.

"You fight dirty," he said, his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath.

"And your too slow," you told him. "I know you are just holding back because I'm considered 'normal'," you said, putting quotes around the last word. You held your hand out for him to grab.

He sighed as he took your grip, but instead of pulling himself up, he pulled you down. You tumbled down on his chest.

"Oof! What are you made of? Fucking rocks?" you asked, plopping yourself up on your hands.

He gave you a goofy smile as he rested his hands on your waist. "You know, you are quite cute when you are angry."

"That's enough!" You heard someone exclaim angrily. You were picked up at the collar of your shirt, just hanging in the air as you looked at the person.

"Lü Bu, what the fuck?" you asked annoyed. He ignored you as he continued to glare at Raiden.

"I suggest you keep your hands off of what does not belong to you," he said, his voice deep and dark as he spoke.

"Then you should probably let go, hm?" Raiden said jerking his head in your direction.

"No, I want her to help me train next," Lü Bu turned as he continued to carry you to his training room.

"Oh yeah, sure. Let's go," you said, sarcasm lacing your voice as you crossed your arms. "Not like I have a choice," you mumbled.

Lü Bu carried you inside through a door. You saw in the corner how Kojiro was busy practicing his techniques. His eyes found yours as you were carried across the room.

"Oh, hello [Name]," he said, a smile gracing his lips. "Would you like to-"

"No," Lü Bu spoke, immediately cutting him off. He gently let you down before walking over to a wall full of wooden weapons.

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