Chapter 5: Meet the gods

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Shit, shit. What should I do? you kept chanting in your head.

You were supposed to be sitting in your room, away from any contact with people, especially the gods! Now you were standing in a dressing room, looking at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a standard maid dress, the stockings ending with your shins. This was not supposed to happen.

You had tried to find the head maid and explain that she made a mistake, but just like magic, she disappeared. Probably giving orders to some other poor maid.

Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the room. Immediately you were greeted with a butler, his skin a light shade of green and his eyes resembling the sea. "You were certainly taking your time," he told you, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, well, I am pretty sure this is a misunderstanding-" you were cut off by him raising a hand in the air.

"The head maid, miss Clara, told me about you and how you were trying to get out of serving duty," he said, rolling his eyes slightly.

"What? Of course not-"

"No excuses. She told me you will be on desert duty. So go back to the rest of the maids and butlers, and wait for your group to be called," he told you before turning and walking in a random direction.

You were screwed. You didn't know anything about serving gods. Were there specific ways that you had to do it? Is there some special thing you have to tell them?

You started walking back to the kitchen, hoping you could ask someone to help you. As you were walking back you got knocked back.

"Oh shoot! I am so sorry," you heard a voice above you.

"It's fine," you told them, as you stood up.

"Let me help you up," they said, as you felt two small hands on your arms. You looked up seeing a girl with horns. Oh my-

"My name is Yeng, are you perhaps the new maid that is supposed to help us with the deserts?" she asked you. You hesitantly nodded. "Ah, great. That means we can start with the basics." She started walking in the opposite direction, looking back at you. "Come on. Follow me."

You jogged to her side, nervousness swimming in your stomach as you walked to the waiting room. As you were walking Yeng started explaining the things you should know. Like don't make eye contact, don't speak unless spoken to, don't show any emotions, and certainly do not just walk out. Apparently, you have to wait at the back of their chairs until they are done, then you can take the plates and bowls, and leave.

"That's a lot of rules," you said, gulping as you felt a lump form in your throat. I am not prepared for any of this.

"It is, but after a while, you will get used to it," she said. She suddenly stopped in front of you, turning so that she was facing you completely. "Now this is how you will do it. First, you take the plates and walk out of the double doors. You will not make any expressions or look at them as you are passing by. Secondly, you will stand directly behind them then, and only then, will you put the plate in front of them and remove the little cover on top of the deserts. Got it?"

You nodded. "Thirdly, you will not move away from your position. You will stay there until they are finished. If the person you are serving asks for more wine. You give it to them. If they ask for more napkins. You give it to them. If they ask you to get them the head of a centaur. You go and fight one until you come back with a centaur's head. Yes?" she asked. You nodded again, gulping again. "Good. Then you will do fine. No talking back, no emotions, no eye contact. Now that I have reminded you three times, it will stick. Now, make sure not to mess this up."

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