Chapter 10 - Getting Along

Start from the beginning

My reaction is immediate. I leap out of my seat, succumbing to panic as I start pacing back and forth, my mind racing. "I knew it! I'm going to lose her to that Riddle kid," I exclaim angrily, frustration contorting my clenched jaw and fists.

"Sebastian, they've only known each other for two days. You need to calm down," Ominis interjects, his tone blunt and to the point.

He's right. Y/N and Theo's connection is still in its early stages, and I know Y/N well enough to trust that she won't let her feelings cloud her judgment. Yet, I can't help myself. Ever since I finally acknowledged my love for her, I've become consumed by an intense longing to have her all to myself. It's an obsession that's driving me to the brink of insanity.

Interrupting my tumultuous thoughts, Ominis chimes in. "We should head to the undercroft now," he suggests, breaking the tension. I hastily gather my belongings from the table and toss them onto my bed in the dormitory. With Ominis by my side, we make our way to meet Y/N, I wonder what she wants to speak about... 



Theo's voice rings out with curiosity as I tug him down the stairs near the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Sensing his mounting impatience, I halt at the bottom of the stairs, carefully scanning the surroundings for any signs of prefects or teachers prowling the halls. Breaking curfew was no small matter, after all.

"Y/N Archer, I demand you tell me where we're going this instant!" Theo insists, his volume increasing. Swiftly, I guide him around the back of the staircase, quickly covering his mouth with my hand.

"For Merlin's sake, keep your voice down! You'll get us caught," I reply sharply in a loud whisper, my face scrunching up in frustration. Theo's eyes widen, his hand attempting to pry mine away from his mouth. Eventually, I release my grip, allowing him to breathe freely once more.

"We have a secret place, one that's known only to a select few. Ominis is going to kill me for sharing it with you, so you must promise not to breathe a word of it to anyone," I assert sternly, my voice barely above a whisper. Theo stares at me, a defiant glint in his eyes, before parting his lips to respond.

"I... I promise," he murmurs, raising his hands in a pledge. I offer him a daring smile, motioning my wand toward the clock beside me. Theo watches in awe as the gears rotate, and a hidden door swings open, revealing the enigmatic space beyond.

"Impressive" Theo says, a small laugh leaving him. He shoots a flirtatious look at me before we descend into the cold, dark and eerie undercroft. 

"What the fuck is he doing here?!" Sebastian confronts me, anger laced in his tone. I sense Theo tensing up behind me, he was ready to punch him in the face. I quickly shot a warning look at him to remind him to place nice before stepping forward between the two boys. 

Placing my hand firmly on Sebastian's chest, I met his gaze and spoke calmly but firmly, "We need him, and this is the only place that is safe to talk" Sebastian's eyes darted between Theo and me, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest.

"I made him promise not to tell anyone" I added. Towering over me, Sebastian took a step back, emitting a frustrated groan. "You two have been making quite a few promises lately," he scoffed, crossing his arms in a defensive stance.

Though I couldn't fathom the exact reason he was pissed at me, I wondered if my teasing about his jealousy had struck a nerve. Was he actually jealous? I've been so preoccupied with Theo recently that I haven't paid any attention to him, we haven't really spoken much since the Adelaide incident...

In a firm tone, Theo finally interjected, "I'm here to assist, whether you accept it or not, Sallow." His jaw clenched tightly as he spoke, there was an awkward pause as Sebastian and Theo stared each other down. The amount of testosterone in the room right now was beginning to piss me off. 

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