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"What exactly is your new job?" Corey asked as we got into his car "I'm not supposed to tell a lot of people really until we start advertising but I get my own comedy show" I said "that's great... how did you? get that?" he asked "well I had been on those other shows occasionally, and buzzfeed did this one thing and yeah, so after we advertise and create buzz then we let the show happen" I said "good, I'm happy for you" he said "thanks... I'm sorry I did this to you again, you know I really don't mean too, right" I said and he smiled "I know you don't Maddie, and I forgive you, because one you've made me do crazy things and tasting a ghost pepper was one of them which we found out I was allergic to, which is good, the second thing is like you and tori said its one hell of a story to tell, and if it had been any other pepper extract it would of been hilarious because its certainly not what you expect" he said "yeah but..." "no Maddie, no buts we've done so many crazy things together and I've made you do so many things that I'm pretty sure this evens it out kind of...." "you've never done anything really bad" "when I made you bungee jump off that bridge in brazil... you were screaming your head off and when we got off the bridge you were pissed at me and was hitting me" "I was laughing towards the end" "after you left a few red marks" he said " how was that bad for me?" I asked "that one sex position you hated" he tried "as soon as I said no you stopped" I said and he started to look frustrated "didn't I make you eat an armadillo?" "yes" "and..." "it was yummy" "isn't there anything?" he asked "when you blind folded me and made me eat things, saying they were other things" I said "yeah that really disgusted you.... and then we made out" he said "what doesn't end with us making out?" I asked "that's a good question" he said stopping front of my house "good luck" "bye" I said kissing him and then walking up to my door....

"So what's this funny story?" one of the writers asked "ok so it started a few weeks ago, first real major fight I had ever had with my sister and then I fought with my brother after making up with them kind of then my brother walks into my house and there was kind if a guy in my bed so I rushe four if the room and we started yelling and a few past moments came up as threats an well then long story short he was pissed at me and then my family gave me this trip to go to Jamaica so I went and there I met my ex boyfriend who would of been on his honeymoon there if his fiancé hadn't cheated on him blah blah we kissed and complicate things and then we came back and my brother was at the airport and well he hates my ex so it made the airport really awkward and so then I found out as he took me home he and my sister had gone into my house and looked fro why I would want some space, and they found out I had got the job here which made them really suspicious thinking there had to he more which there wasn't and then well we were all mad at each other and my dad had a heart attack and everyone was at the hospital my sister and this guy me and my ex and my brother all alone, well our mom came in and said someone had to shoot the giant elephant in the room and my sister said they were dating blah blah and then my brother asked if my mom was high and I laughed saying like he had any room to talk and that started a huge argument and ended up by telling our mom that he came home from prom really high a drunk, but who didn't, and then my sisters boyfriend got a call saying his brother appendix exploded and was in the same hospital so they ran to the other side and we all still waited until our mother ran to where they were fixing a medical mistake saving his brothers life and yelling at a bunch if staff terrifying them and she spent another hour terrorizing staff straightening them up and after I had gotten off the phone with you for a second time I had grabbed my brothers phone and was looking for messages because I was suspicious there was a guys trip because of who I had seen at the airport, so I found out the girls name and tricked him into thinking I had texted her pretending to be his girlfriend and he had to stop hating my ex, which he did and I gave it back to him and then we were all hungry and I was digging through my purse and have them good when my brother handed my ex my flask that my sister had filled up and he drank out of it and had an allergic reaction because she had filled it with ghost pepper extract which I had found out with him he was allergic too... so as he was rushed away I had to call his parents and before I did that the nurse that had got a doctor to help my ex turned out to be the girl my brother had hooked up with on the guys trip and actually really liked her and then my mom came back and she saw the nurse and apparently they had gotten into it earlier about something and they started fighting again and my brother tried to stand up to her and ended up having to tell her what happened an I didn't hear the rest because I was going to my exes room and calling his mother saying I had out her son in the hospital for a second time for the same reason and she came and I was terrified but yet she hugged me and said his ex fiancé had just fainted so I was way better and then she went off taking to my mom, at some point though my brother had taken a deck of cards and was playing poker with the chips my dad had bought for the hospital years ago with my sisters boyfriend and his brother and by the end if the night everyone was playing except for my dad and my sisters boyfriend brother because they were in the rooms resting, and even the nurse my brother hooked up with was playing and only a few hours ago we stopped playing as my mom forced us to go home and now I'm here..." I said "its perfect for a opening story, there's comedy, irony, fighting, tension, and a family that everyone wants because their just on the brink of crazy but not" the writer said "do you have any more stories like that?" the asked "yeah" I said "this is a great beginning, go home go get some rest..., write down any stories you can think of, ok, great job Maddie" they said and I left.... god am I exhausted...

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