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"Is that Corey?" Henry asked pointing over to a hallway where a bed was being rushed "no" I said waving it off and then I saw Maddie come running down the same way and then saw me "oh my god was that Corey?" I asked "yeah, he drank out of my flask that you filled with ghost pepper extract" she said trying to catch her breath "why the hell would you let him drink out of it?" "I didn't know that was in there" "well maybe if drank more often" "well I didn't alright, which way did they go?" she asked "room three... and you should probably call his parents" I said "do I have too... it was bad enough the first time" "this has happened before?" Henry asked "yes" we said at the same time "well your not wearing a bikini now" "yeah, I really hope Corey doesn't kill me for this" "just do what you did last time" "not when mom has scared half the staff... by the way Zach hooked up with this girl named Lacey and she happens to be a nurse here and apparently she had gotten into some trouble earlier with mom" "oh my god, did she have a weave?" I asked "no" "oh then mom must of gotten into several fights with nurses" "wait was it a brown hair girl in blue scrubs, with freckles and..." garrett started to say something else but stopped "yeah" "oh I saw her... your mom was probably the most pissed with her than any of the other nurses" he said "call his parents before the hospital does" "come with me" she said pulling my arm and we ran down the hall and were in the room "god I hope this is still their number" she said dialing it and she started pacing the room "the medicine should start to kick in soon" the nurse said "thank you" she said "hi Mrs. Taylor... yeah its been a long time and I'm really really sorry, but I did it again and Corey's in the hospital... I'm so sorry.... Saint Anthony's" she said starting to cry and I hugged her "no they just gave him medicine, he looks better but he's still looking puffy" "alright, were on the third level in the right wing in room three... ill see you when you get here" she said and hung up "she's going to murder me!" "She's not going to murder you" I said "yes she is, this is the second time!" "third times a charm?" "that's not funny Tori" she said trying to not smear her makeup "I know I'm not as funny as you... but just think this day will make a great story someday... or a really awkward one, depending on how things turn out..." I said and she calmed down a little laughing "and that kids, is how everyone met your aunt Lacey, your uncle Henry, and your uncle Zach stopped hating your uncle Corey and everyone found out that your aunt Maddie and Corey were doing it again" she said "and grandma scared everyone at the hospital while grandpa was having surgery..." "and your uncle Corey realized that someone should always take a drink out of a flask before him, even though aunt Maddie will stay by his side as he blows up like a balloon" Corey said opening his eyes and we all laughed "I called your mom" "I could hear things Maddie" he said "yeah I realized that as soon as I said it" she said and then his mom walked in "don't kill me!" Maddie said and literally fell to her knees "get off the floor Maddie" she said and she got up "I was hoping you were calling to say you were pregnant... but you haven't killed Corey yet..." she said and hugged Maddie "come on tori get in here" she said hugging both of us "what do I get?" Corey asked "reassurance that Maddie at least knows how to handle the situation unlike Patricia who fainted" "she fainted... weak British Asians" Maddie said "well if everyone's alright ill go see your mother girls" she said and walked out the door "I'm going back to Henry" I said getting up and I left but took a sneak back to see them kissing... some things never change...

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