Ch. 18 [ Spring and Summer 3 ]

Start from the beginning

Me: You grew up kid.

He takes the mask off, and only spares a glance towards the gate.

Akira: Gethin, open the gate.

The dark dude from before instantly starts opening it.

Yep, that's my nephew.

Akira: What are doing here Uncle?
He asks looking back to me, as we walk through the Gate and everyone instantly observes us.

Me: Y'know, I thought about visiting you. Making sure you are okay, etc?

Akira: That's kinda nice, how's Ozpin? And he wouldn't mind if I took someone from tribe with me?

Took someone? I hope its that Maiden, Oz spoke about.

Dark dude: Chief!

He instantly appears in front of us, and gives Akira a list?

Akira: Report Goethin, what about our guests? Did they pay?

So, dude's name is Goethin? He's tall and wide like a wall.

Goethin: They fixed their thrusters, and left. They also paid us promised amount, I checked them with miss Aelia.

We both stare at eachother, as he grabs my shoulder.... if k-

Akira: Let. Go.

Before I can blink, countless blood weapons and utilities surround Goethin, ready to kill..... Rae taught him a lot... I'm kinda proud.

*Akira's Pov*

Me: Let. Go.

I instantly create different weapons from blood and surroundings Goethin.... I won't let anyone touch my Family.

Goethin backs off, as I see sweat coming out of him like waterfall....

Aelia: Akira!

Before I can turn around I'm tackled to the ground, with Aelia hugging me...

Qrow: I think.... no I don't. What the fuck is going on?

Instantly Aelia picks herself up, as I spot her already activating her magic and spot Earth under Qrow cracking.

Me: Stop Aelia. Don't use Maiden powers carelessly.
I whisper the second part to her.

Aelia: Okaaay!

Me: And get off? Also, that's my Uncle.

I point towards Qrow.
She shrugs her shoulders and keeps sitting on top of me.

Me: He's a full-fledged huntsman from Beacon, and close friends with the Headmaster.

She instantly starts jumping around Qrow, as he backs off a bit from her.

Aelia: Really!? Can I be a Huntress?

Qrow looks at me, as I nod.

Qrow: Y-Yeah, I'm here to look for few talents.

Yep, nice lie. Hopefully she's in an sugar-like rush and won't notice it.

(Few minutes later)

After few minutes, me, Qrow and Aelia arrive at my tent... our tent, I'm living with Aelia.
Can't keep a Maiden away, and without any watch.

Qrow: Looking at how you made the tent, I'm not even surprised it looks like Rae's.

Me: Yep, it has its style. Tea? Coffee?

Aelia: Tea! Mr.Qrow, how does training in Beacon looked like? Am I qualified? Can I attend?

She keeps jumping around him, as I prepare some tea.

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