Chapter 15

987 30 76

Tuesday - June 20, 2023
2:51 a.m.
Going Merry Mansion
🍋 - Sexual Content

I was literally between a rock and a hard place. I was hoping to go to my room and go to sleep since I have work tomorrow but, he seems determined to have me here. I can't help but wonder why though, I mean yes we have been through a few instances together but why would that incline him to want to even be near me.

"Luffy it is getting pretty late you know? And I have to work tomorrow at the club so I should probably go..." I forced out a smile as I tried reaching for the door knob.

Luffy watched my hand and sighed as he laid his other hand against the door, trapping me perfectly between his arms, making it harder for me to open the door, "Are you scared of me or something?".

Okay, I want to say yes but truthfully I'm not scared, he's intimidating but I just don't think he'd be that comfortable with me staying here over night. What would everyone think? "No that's not it! I mean well.. you're intimidating, sure, but not scary! I just don't think you'd want the ridicule if the others saw me in your room.. overnight..." hopefully that came out as I was hoping. Luffy is someone I've come to know as a person who is very dense so you have to be kinda blunt with him.

"Ah. I don't really care about that. You're staying here anyway. I have to shower so just lay wherever and don't touch anything." He was very firm at the end of that sentence that it sent some shivers down my spine. Other than that, I decided I would stay and soon saw him move away slowly and into his bathroom that's within his own bedroom. After he shut the door I walked over to his bed and sighed quietly as I looked around curiously.

I could hear the faint ticking of the clock that hung on the wall as the room was enveloped in an eerie silence. "Ugh, no, can't do this. Hmmm, he has a TV in his room, why not turn it on?" I climbed over to the nightstand, grabbed the remote and turned on the 52" TV that illuminated the dark room making me squint my eyes. "Geez... ow.. okay let's see what's on...". I flipped through so many channels and I couldn't help be notice that there were way more than I was used to. Back at my old apartment, the TV only had maybe thirty channels that were either black and white, soap operas, or just some static. Poor people problems.

Living here at this home felt more like a privilege and I soon felt a guilty sense of relief that Nami was kind enough to ask me to move in. I leaned back against the pillows on the bed sighing relieved as I watch the cheesy soap opera quietly. My mind slowly wandered as my eyes were glancing at the bed, impressed with the huge size, as I gulped a bit, "I wonder if he's had other girls in his room before..? Maybe that's why he's so carefree about me being here... what about Nami? No I doubt it... but.. I mean... others girls seems realistic.. I want to ask but maybe that would be too personal...". I groaned and leaned back more as I sunk into the bed and watched the episode until I started to get distracted by the horrible acting.

After a few minutes of watching TV, I heard the door slowly creak open as smoke entered the room indicating that the shower must have been boiling hot. My heart started to race again when I saw Luffy walking out without any care in the world as he looked around as if trying to find something.

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