lets hang out!

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‼️The pictures in this chapter was changed up a bit & ?technically drawn? by me‼️🤷‍♀️ have fun reading i guess


steven's laying on his bed sleeping, looking like one of those family guy characters who just fell down a flight of stairs. His cookie cat theme tune alarm goes off, it's exactly 9:30 in the morning, steven sits up rubbing his eyes and presses 'end' on his alarm, he gets up and yawns walking over to his wardrobe and looking for a shirt to put on before going downstairs to say good morning to the gems.


i slept with just sweatpants on last night because my gem was killing me, i thought it needed a breather and i guess i was right? maybe i should start wearing button up shirts to bed so i can still let my gem breath but also sleep comfortably with a shirt on.

as i'm picking out one of my many different coloured star shirts i hear my phone buzz on my bedside table, i instantly grab a black star shirt and throw it on then i run over to my phone to see who texted me. it was connie!

'morning biscuit!'

my cheeks glow pink, i love it when she calls me 'jam bud' or 'biscuit'

'heyy strawberry! hru?💗'

i instantly regretted sending that stupid heart emoji, ugh just text normally steven. my phone dings again, she's replyed.

'i'm great! thanks, wbu? how's my now 20 y/o best friend doing?🫶🏻'

she sent a heart emoji back, i swear i had become 'pink steven' my whole body was probably pink, it always happens when i'm texting her. i reply saying i'm fine and asked,

'did you wanna go grab some pizza at fish stew pizza today? i can pick u up whenever'

i awaited her reply it looked liked she was offline, i put my phone in my side pocket and walked down the stairs into the living room, greeted by pearl handing me a bowl of cereal.


i walk back into my room after eating and noticed i missed a text from steven, i panic a little wondering if it's something important. I pick up my phone and read the text messages, "oh, phew" i sigh in relief that it's nothing bad and reply.

'sound awesome! i'd love to hang out with u today💗 my parents are driving me mad! lol'

i wait a few minutes for his response and i'm about to put my phone down when.

"so this is love?"

my ring tone of 'so this is love' from cinderella blasts from my phone and i see it's steven ringing me! i quickly answer and exclaim "hey jam bud!" steven replies by clearing his throat and saying "h- hey strawberry! wha." he's cut short again when amethyst yells "AWWW LIL' DUDES TALKING TO HIS GIIRRRLLFRRIIEENNNDD" she elongates the word 'girlfriend' to tease and make fun of steven i suppose.

"amethyst!! shut up!" steven shouts, clearly embarrassed. i quietly giggle but steven must've heard me when he jokingly asked "what are you laughing at?" i reply "ohh nothing, just you and amethyst acting like siblings again" i laughed even more when steven starts saying that him and amethyst do not act like siblings at all and joking around "you're hilarious universe" i say wiping a tear from my eye because i was laughing so hard, "of course i'm hilarious i'm steven universe!" he laughs. i love listening to his laugh, and his voice. he's adorable.


steven walks up to his room to put on his pink jacket, and flip flops "ah yes, the same flip flops you saved the world in!" connie jokes and they both laugh.

steven grabs his wallet and walks out the door still on the phone to connie, he walks up to lion and gets onto him, ruffling his fluffy pink mane he asks lion to roar a portal to connie's house. "i'll be at your place..." his voice turns to static for a minute "..now!" connie looks out her window to see lion and steven jumping out of a rose coloured portal in front of her apartment "well that was quick." she laughed and hung up the phone running downstairs to the front door and to where lion and steven are.

connie hugs steven as he tries not to blush like a tomato, she goes to hop on lion when steven puts out his hand and clears his throat "care for some help ma'am?" steven tries so hard not to cringe and blush at what he just said, "why thank you kind sir!" connie laughs and takes steven's hand, they both get on lion and connie wraps her arms around steven as they head to fish stew pizza.


just a quick sorry in advance i will ruin the sweetness. just you wait. i live for making people angry.. or sad *evil peridot laugh*



also some chapters might be really long because i have so many ideas, and some chapters may be kinda short like this one
1) because i split it into 2 chapters or would be too long
2) because i either won't have motivation, i don't have many ideas or i just cant be bothered at the time🤠

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