Erica Davenport is the baby lab rat at 8 years old. When Douglas was creating the bionic siblings, he intended for Erica to be used for evil. When Donald rescued the siblings, Erica was still being created and her bionic chip was not finished. Due t...
Erica was in her room, waking up for the morning. She used her capsule to get dressed.
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She walked out of her room and saw her siblings awake.
"Hey guys." Erica greeted.
"Hi Ari." Chase said. "How are you this today?"
"I'm good." Erica replied. "Bree, can you do my hair please?"
"Yeah." Bree said. "Pigtails?"
"Sure." Erica answered.
Bree put Erica's hair in two pigtails.
"Thanks Bree." Erica said.
"You're welcome." Bree said.
"I'm going to go eat breakfast." Erica said before heading downstairs.
When she came back up to the lab, she overheard her siblings and Leo talking about her.
"So, what's the real reason Big D kept Erica a secret?" Leo asked.
"What do you mean?" Chase asked.
"I mean, he never said anything about her until the other day." Leo said. "And he chewed me out for giving her sweets."
"Well, he has a point." Chase said. "Young kids who have too much sugar can get a sugar rush."
"I was just trying to be nice." Leo said. "But, I feel like he's keeping something."
"We have no idea what you're talking about." Bree said. "Mr. Davenport's not hiding anything."
"What are you talking about?" Adam said. "There's that whole thing with Erica."
"Adam!" The other two said.
"I knew it!" Leo said. "What is it?"
"Alright. We'll tell you." Bree said. "But, you have to promise you won't say anything to Erica. Mr. Davenport doesn't want her knowing this."
"I won't tell her." Leo promised.
"Erica's bionic chip is not finished." Chase explained. "Her powers are unstable and uncontrollable. That's why he has her in a separate room from us."
"My chip isn't finished?" Erica asked.
They all looked to see Erica standing in the open doorway of her room.
"Erica." Chase said. "How long have been standing there?"
"Long enough." Erica replied.
Chase and Bree tried coming up with an excuse.
"Don't try to hide it." Erica said. "I heard everything."
"Alright guys." Davenport said as he came into the lab. "The next phase of your training is handling extreme climates. So we'll frost Chase, bake Bree, and submerge Adam."
"My bionic chip isn't finished?" Erica asked her father.
Davenport paused for a moment. "How do you know about that?" He asked.
"That's not what's important right now." Erica said.
"Erica, can we talk about this later?" Davenport asked.
"Really!?" Erica said.
"Please." Davenport said.
Erica stomped to her room and slammed the door.
Davenport looked after her for a moment and sighed before turning back to the others.
"Okay, Chase, I'm setting your tube on "Antarctic."" He said. "If it gets to be too much, just give me a sign."
Chase nodded and got in his capsule.
In Erica's room, she was watching tv trying to calm herself down. But, it wasn't working. She was really angry with her father right now.
Erica walked out of her room. She noticed that her siblings and Leo weren't around and her dad was sitting at a computer.
"Hey." Davenport said.
Without realizing it, some pieces of ice shot out Erica's hands and towards her father.
"Ahh!" Davenport said, ducking.
Erica didn't apologize. She had always had trouble expressing her emotions, which Davenport had been working with her on that. Because of that and along with her chip, Erica's power's really go out of control.
So, Davenport understands that Erica isn't really trying to hurt him. She's just understandably upset with him and causing her to glitch more.
"Erica, I know you're angry with me right now and I promise I will talk to you about it later." Davenport said. "But, right now I have to help your brothers and sister."
"Where are they?" Erica asked.
"On a mission." Davenport answered.
"Wait, really?" Erica asked.
"I created the world's fastest train, but now it's speeding out of control full of highly explosive nuclonium towards downtown Welkerville." Davenport explained. "So, they went to stop it. And thanks to Leo, the device they need is here, so I need to bring it to them. And I need you to go with me because I'm not leaving you here alone."
"But, she'll have me here to watch her." Eddy said.
"I'm not leaving my daughter with my computer system." Davenport said. "Come on, Erica."
Giving her father the silent treatment, Erica followed him and her eyes widened when she saw they were riding in the helicopter. She had never ridden in one before.
Davenport lifted Erica into the helicopter and buckled her in.
"It's really loud once it's started, so here are headphones that'll keep your sensitive hearing from being irritated." He said, handing her headphones.
Erica took them and put them on.
Davenport got in the driver side and started it.
The sound of the helicopter kinda scared Erica a bit.