Chapter 4

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Later that evening, Erica was in her room in the lab. She was kept in separate room from her siblings because of how unstable she was.

"Ready for dinner, Erica?" Davenport asked.

"Yes, I'm starving." Erica said.

"Sit down, then." Davenport said.

Erica sat down at the table.

Davenport poured food pellets onto a plate and poured her a glass of power juice. He loved all his kids, but he had a soft spot for Erica because of how young she was. And because of how unstable she is, he was also very protective of her.

"Erica, I'm very proud of how well you did today." Davenport said.

"Thank you." Erica said as she ate. "Daddy?"

"Yes, pumpkin?" Davenport asked.

"Can I go to school?" Erica asked.

"That's not a good idea." Davenport said.

"Why not? Adam, Bree, and Chase get to leave the lab and go to school." Erica whined. "It's not fair."

"I know, sweetheart, but it'd be too dangerous with your powers." Davenport said. "You don't know how to control them yet."

"I'll be fine." Erica said.

"A few weeks ago you ended up electrocuting Adam." Davenport said.

"That was an accident." Erica said.

"And that's exactly my point." Davenport said. "You don't know how to control your powers yet and you still glitch a lot. This is for your safety. I don't want you getting hurt because you can't control your powers."

Erica sighed.

"How about this." Davenport said, unable to stand his daughter upset. "You can spend some time outside the lab. Around the house and outside with supervision. But, no school. It's way too dangerous."

"Alright." Erica sighed, again. "It's better than nothing."

"Good girl." Davenport said, kissing her on the forehead. "Now, time for bed. Go get into your capsule and I'll read you a bedtime story."

Erica took her teddy bear and got into her tube.

Davenport didn't like keeping the truth from his daughter, but he didn't want her to think that any of this is her fault by telling her the truth.

The next day, Erica was standing in the kitchen with Davenport.

"Hey guys. Can I have your attention for a moment, please?" Davenport said.

Everyone looked at him.

"Leo. Tasha. This is Erica." Davenport said. "She's another bionic kid."

"It's nice to meet you, Erica." Tasha said.

"I'm going to let Erica spend more time outside of the lab, but there are some rules." Davenport explained. "Everyone has to be extremely careful around Erica. She doesn't have a lot of training yet and doesn't know how to control her abilities yet. The smallest things could accidentally set her powers off." Everyone nodded.

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