Chapter 3

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A couple days later, Erica was in the lab like she always was. Only this time, Davenport was with her.

"I guess one good thing about the others going to school, I have more time to start your training, Erica." He said.

"I'm excited to start training." Erica said.

"So am I." Davenport said. "Now, I know you don't have the same abilities as your siblings besides heightened senses and a commando app like Chase, but I'm going to have you do some of the same things with their training. You need to be able to build up your agility, endurance, and combat skills as well as your bionic abilities."

Erica looked a little skeptical. She has seen the  others train and it looked pretty difficult.

"Relax. It won't be nearly as intense as their training and it'll be suited more for you." Davenport assured her. "Ready?

Erica nodded, a little more relaxed.

"I'm going to throw this weighted ball to you." Davenport said. "Try to catch it."

He gently tossed the ball towards Erica, who caught it, but stumbled a bit and almost fell.

"I think that might be a little heavy for you." Davenport said. "I'll use a lighter ball next time."

Erica nodded.

"Now, you know when I'm training Chase, I'll time him to see if he can build a tower in under a certain amount of time?" Davenport asked.

"So, you want to do that?" Erica asked as she played with the blocks her dad got out.

"Not exactly." Davenport said. "I'm just going to time you to see how long it takes you to build a tower."

"Oh ok." Erica said.

"Ready?" Davenport asked.

Erica nodded.

"Go." Davenport said, starting the timer. "No need to rush or anything. Just take your time."

Erica made a tower using the blocks.

"That was great, Erica." Davenport said.

Next he had her block lasers using two things on each arm.

"I'm going to set it to beginner mode, so it will be nice and slow for you." Davenport said.

Erica nodded.

Davenport started the thing and it started to shoot lasers at Emily at a slow pace. She was able to block them all.

"Well done, Erica." Davenport said.

Erica smiled.

"Now, let's test your bionic abilities." Davenport said as he set a glass of water on the table. "Try to freeze the water in the glass."

Erica tried to concentrate, but instead of freezing the water, she froze the entire glass.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Erica said.

"It's ok, Erica." Davenport said. "Next, try creating a small fireball."

Erica attempted to, but created an electric ball instead. She sighed.

"That's ok." Davenport said. "Let's go to the gym. I have a few physical tests I want you to do."

Erica followed him to the gym.

"First, I'm going to have you go through this obstacle course. Davenport explained, referring to one set up. "And I'll time you."

"Okay." Erica said. She got into the starting position.

"Ready. Go." Davenport said, starting the timer.

Erica ran through the obstacle course and finish.

"Excellent job, Erica." Davenport encouraged. "Take a couple sips of water."

Erica sipped the water bottle handed to her.

"Next, I want you to run five laps around the track and I'll time you." Davenport said. "Ready?"

Erica got into a starting position and started running. She kept going around until Davenport told her to stop. She was breathing heavily.

"Take a few moments to rest." Donald said, handing her a water bottle. "I have one more thing I want you to do."

"What is it?" Erica asked as she drank the water.

"I'm going to have you climb this rock wall and time you." Davenport explained.

Erica looked up at the rock wall, skeptical.

"Don't worry, you'll be in a harness so there's no risk of you getting hurt." Davenport assured her, seeing the look on her face. "You'll be completely safe in the harness, but if you don't feel comfortable doing it I understand."

Erica shook her head. It looked too scary for her.

"That's fine." Davenport said. "Let's go back to the lab. I'm sure your brothers and sister are home from school and you can tell them how you're first training session went."

The two went back to the lab and Adam, Bree, and Chase were there.

"Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" Erica said, running over to them.

"For someone who just did a bunch of physical activity, you seem to have a lot of energy." Davenport said.

"What?" Chase asked, looking at Erica.

"I had my first training lesson today!" Erica exclaimed.

"That's great, Ari." Adam said.

"How'd you do?" Bree asked.

"Ok, I guess." Erica replied.

"She actually did pretty well for her first time." Davenport said. "She just had a little trouble with her bionic abilities."

"What happened?" Chase asked.

"She froze a glass instead of just the water inside. And produced an electrical ball instead of a fireball." Davenport explained.

"And I was too scared to do the rock wall." Emily added. "I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Emily." Davenport said. "This is why we do the training. It allows you to practice using your bionic abilities so you can get used to using them. And it's alright if aren't ready for the rock wall yet."

"Ari, even though we're bionic we aren't perfect." Bree said.

"Yeah, we all had a difficult time controlling our abilities when we started our training." Chase added. "You'll get better."

"Thanks guys." Erica said, yawning. "I'm tired."

"Why don't you go take a nap." Davenport said.

"You have another bionic kid!?" They heard Leo say. They all turned to see him in the lab.

"Erica, go to your room and take a nap, please." Davenport said.

Erica nodded and headed to her room, yawning again.

"Yes, I have another bionic kid." Davenport said to Leo. "But, please don't ask me about her."

"Alright, fine." Leo said.

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