Chapter 2

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The next morning, Erica woke up to see her siblings packing.

"Are you guys going on your first mission?" She asked.

"We wish." Chase said. "Mr. Davenport's relocating us."

"What!" Erica exclaimed.

"Relax, Erica." Bree said. "You aren't being relocated. Just us."

"Why are you guys being relocated?" Erica asked.

"Because we disobeyed Mr. Davenport." Chase said.

"I'll miss you guys." Erica said.

"We'll miss you too, Eri Bear." Adam said as he lifted her up to hug her. Erica shook her head. Adam was always giving her nicknames like that. The others called her Ari sometimes. The three then left.

Erica went to go hang out in her playroom. Yes, she had a playroom. It had a large flat screen tv, a couch, a mini fridge with tons of snacks and drinks, a dollhouse and dolls, a desk where she colored, a closet full of dress up costumes, and tons of toys. She spent almost all day there and went she got back to the lab. Adam, Bree, and Chase were there.

"You guys are back!" Erica said as she ran to hug them.

The three older siblings hugged their baby sister back.

"Come on." Bree said. "You can ride on my back while I run around the track."

"Okay!" Erica said. She hopped onto Adam's back as they headed to the gym.

The room was mainly used for agility and combat training and Adam and Bree's training.

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