Chapter 5

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AN: I'm changing Emily's name to Erica because I like it better. Also I'm changing her commando app to night vision instead. And giving her the ability to learn things pretty quickly.

One morning, the kids and Davenport were in the lab. Davenport was running a glitch test on Adam, Bree, and Chase since they had started going to school.

"Adam, Bree, your glitch test results are fairly stable." Davenport said. "But, Chase, I am still concerned about your Commando App."

"Commando App?" Leo questioned.

"Chase has a Commando App that kicks in the face of an imminent threat and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike." Davenport explained.

"Don't worry, Mr. Davenport." Chase said. "I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head."

"Oh, yeah?" Davenport asked. "You mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?"

They all cringed at the memory.

"It's not a good idea to let Chase go to school." Davenport said.

"We'll make sure he stays out of trouble, Mr. Davenport." Adam said.

"Alright." Davenport said. "But I better not get a call from the art teacher saying that Spike ripped out her larynx. Actually, she wouldn't be able to say anything, because Spike ripped out her lar– The point is just keep him out of trouble."

Erica had gotten bored with this as none of this pertained to her and went upstairs.

When Leo came upstairs, she noticed he had something in his hand.

"What's that?" Erica asked.

"A chocolate bar." Leo answered.

"Ooh. Can I try some?" Erica asked.

"Here." Leo replied, handing her the chocolate bar. "I have another in my backpack."

"Thanks Leo." Erica said.

"You're welcome." Leo said. "Now, I have to get to school. Have a good day."

"Bye Leo." Erica said. She sat down and watched tv as she ate the chocolate bar.

It didn't take long before she was bouncing off the walls from the sugar high she was on.

"What's going on?" Davenport asked, coming into the living room. "Erica, calm down."

"I can't." Erica said. "I have too much energy."

Davenport noticed the chocolate on her face.

"Come here." He said, going into the kitchen. He wet a paper towel and cleaned Emily's face. "Why don't go play outside until you've gotten some of your energy out and then go do something quiet."

Erica ran off.

Later that day, the other kids came home from school.

"Hold it." Davenport said before any of them could leave.

"What?" Bree asked.

"Which one of you gave Erica sweets earlier?" Davenport asked.

"I gave her my chocolate bar earlier." Leo said. "What's the problem? Is she not allowed to have sweets?"

"I mean, she is." Davenport answered. "But, she's a kid. Eating as much sugar as Erica did at once caused her to have a sugar rush and she was bouncing off the walls. And that can happen with any kid not just a bionic one."

"She asked if she could try some, so I gave her my chocolate bar." Leo said. "I thought I was doing something nice for her."

"I appreciate that and I'm not saying Erica can't have any sweets." Davenport said. "Just maybe don't give her so much next time."

"Alright." Leo said. "I'm sorry."

"Dinner's ready." Tasha said.

"Bree, go get Erica." Davenport said. "She's in her playroom."

"Okay." Bree said, speeding off.

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