After a little bit, they approached the speeding train. Davenport went to where Adam, Bree, and Chase were.
"Look, Mr. Davenport's here!" Chase said.
"I'm gonna drop the decelerator now!" Davenport said. "Make sure you catch it, it's very delicate!"
"Okay!" Adam said.
"Pretend it's a baby!" Davenport said.
"Or pretend it's me!" Erica said. "Because I know you would make sure to catch me!"
Davenport looked at her.
He dropped the decelerator, but the wind caught it and blew it away.
"Pretend that I caught it!" Adam said.
"Okay, we're gonna have to abort the mission! Never liked Welkerville, anyways." Davenport said. "All right, I'm gonna drop down the rope ladder. Everybody up. Leo first."
PBut, none of them came up. Instead, a first aid kit was brought up.
"What are you guys doing!?" Davenport asked.
"We're completing our mission." Chase said.
"What!? Guys, no!" Davenport said. "It's too dangerous."
None of them listened. Erica and Davenport listened to them through the coms.
After a few minutes, they heard cheering on completing their first mission.
"That's great, guys." Davenport said. "I'm heading back to the lab with Erica. First one back gets a food pellet smoothie."
"Sweet." They all said.
Davenport and Erica headed back to the lab.
"I'm proud of you guys." Davenport said, once everyone was back at the lab. "And glad that you all are okay."
"We thought you would be more proud of us." Bree said. "We successfully completed our mission. Something that you have been training our whole lives for."
"I am immensely proud of all of you, but you still disobeyed me." Davenport said. "What you guys did was very dangerous and it could have ended very badly had it not been successful."
"We're sorry." Chase said.
"Quick question." Adam said. "Why was Erica screaming earlier?"
"I wasn't screaming earlier." Erica said.
"But, we heard girlish screaming over the com." Bree said.
"Oh. That was Dad." Erica replied. They all started laughing.
"That's only because someone was throwing pieces of ice at me." Davenport said. Erica couldn't help giggling.
Later that evening, Erica was in her room getting ready for bed.
Just then, Davenport walked in. "May I talk with you, Erica?" He asked.
Erica nodded.
Davenport sat her down in a chair. "Look, I've very sorry I didn't tell you that your chip was unfinished." He said. "It was wrong of me."
"Is there something wrong with me?" Erica asked.
"Not at all." Davenport assured her. "There is nothing wrong with you."
"Is this why you have me stay in separate room from the others?" Erica asked.
"Yes. Having you in a separate room allows me to monitor your bionics more closely and easily without any interference from your siblings bionics." Davenport explained. "With your chip unfinished, your bionics are unstable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. That's why you glitch more often. You being in a separate room is to keep you safer." Erica nodded.
"Why is my chip not finished?" Erica asked.
Davenport hesitated. "Come with me." He finally said.
"Why?" Erica asked.
"Just, come on." Davenport said.
Erica followed him into the lab.
"Can I talk to you guys for a moment?" Davenport asked. "All of you."
"What's up, Mr. Davenport?" Adam asked.
"There's something I haven't told you that you should know." Davenport started.
"What is it?" Chase asked.
"I'm not your biological father." Davenport continued.
"What do you mean by that?" Bree asked.
"Meaning, I'm not the one that created your bionic chips." Davenport went on.
"Then, who did?" Chase asked.
"My younger brother, Douglas." Davenport explained. "We created Davenport Industries together when we were younger. We experimented with bionics on androids to have them do exactly what I've been training you guys to do. Go on missions that would be too dangerous for humans to do. But, Douglas got bored with the androids because they burned out too quickly. He went behind my back to experiment with bionics on humans."
The four siblings realized he was talking about them.
"He wanted to use you guys for, more or less, evil purposes." Davenport continued.
"When I found out, I saved you four from him and brought you here, to keep you safe."
Everyone was quiet.
"I'm sure you have questions you'd like to ask." Davenport said.
"That doesn't explain why my chip is unfinished." Erica said.
"Douglas was still creating your bionic chip when I took you guys from him." Davenport explained. "Over the years, I've been trying to finish it myself. But, I'm not as good as a programmer as Douglas and it hasn't been easy and it's taking me longer than I anticipated to finish it."
"Where is Douglas now?" Chase asked.
"He's dead." Davenport answered. "Not long after I took you guys from him, there was an explosion in one of the labs and he was killed."
"Why are you telling us this now?" Bree asked. "I mean, you kept it from us all these years."
"Well, at the time I saved you four from my brother, you all were too young to really understand what was going on." Davenport explained. "And after everything with Erica this morning, I don't want to keep anything else from you guys. Biology aside. I love and care about the four of you very much and that will never change."
"Thank you for telling us, Mr. Davenport." Chase said.
"You're welcome." Davenport said. "Well, it's late and it's been a long and exhausting day for all of us, so how about you all head to bed."
The four nodded and headed to their capsules as Davenport left the lab.

Baby Bionic(A Lab Rats fanfiction)
FanfictionErica Davenport is the baby lab rat at 8 years old. When Douglas was creating the bionic siblings, he intended for Erica to be used for evil. When Donald rescued the siblings, Erica was still being created and her bionic chip was not finished. Due t...