Who's Chuuya? - SKK

Start from the beginning

"It is quite alright" Kunikida responded "I was alerted this would happen from the president.. I am sure you know who we are but we may not know you"

"I am Executive Kouyou Ozaki and this is Kyouka who we will be your new member"


"You can call me Hirostu, one of the leaders of the black lizards and an Executive seat since I was close with the old boss. This is Tachihara, and Gin. Also leaders of the black lizards and alongside Gin is her Brother Akutagawa. Kajii and Higuchi were supposed to come too but Kajii decided to blow up a part of our base so Higuchi is making him fix it up"

"That would leave me" The ginger put the hat back on his head "I am executive Chuuya, Nakahara Chuuya"

Kunikida cleared his throat as ranpo bursted out laughing. The other ada workers laughed nervously knowing why. The port mafia stared while chuuya eyebrow twitched. What was so amusing? It better not be his height-

"S-sorry!" Atsushi bowed rather quickly "It has nothing to do with you, Nakahara-san... Well, more like the seat that is missing"

"Missing?" Tachihara raised an eyebrow "who?"

"My partner and Atsushi's mentor" The door opened "ah, welcome Dazai"

"Shut up kunikida" He blinked as he got stares "... This is so unfair"

"Ah right, you weren't informed... An alliance with the port mafia is happening"

"I will pour this down your back"

"we haven't even done anything"

"D-dazai-san!" Atsushi went pulling him to his seat "It's all good"

"Its okay Atsushi-kun" He patted the boys locks when they made it to the desk "No need"

"okay" He blushed out of embarrassment "please stop ruffling my hair"

"Shitty Dazai" His whole new deemar surprised the ada as the pm sighed "What the fuck have you been saying about me?"

"Nothing slug! Why would i talk about you?"

"You fucking..."

"Ah! Dogs don't bite back at their owners!"

"Chuuya" Kouyou grabbed his shoulders "Don't"

"Tch, fine ane-san"

"Perfectly Trained.."

"Dazai" He looked at kunikda "Who is Chuuya now?"

"Ugh, You never letting that go? Hes my ex partner"

"Partner as in what?" Both of them groaned getting looks "i..."

"Right, I think you are the only one who doesn't know... I use to be in the port mafia"

"Your raggy bandaged self? I... I have many emotions going on right now"


"Sadly. If i could, I would trade you for worms"

"Do you hear him Atsushi-kun!?!"

"Hahaha... Is it a bad time to say I know?"

"I need to cover your senses"


"WAH! HOW COULD YOU!!?" He then chocked at chuuya pulling his collar, getting draged out the door "...."

"He certainly will be quiet now" Ranpo got snickers from the detectives "Ignore us! We tend to tease him about history and such. We are family here so sorry about our... our issues"

One-shot book Of BSD Ships and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now