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𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 and I sit up. I stare at my walls processing what happened last night.

"Why am I acting like such a pick me?They probably didn't say anything because they didn't want me to be friends with them just because they are famous. Now I'm ranting, how fun." I rub my temples and stretch.
I grab my phone and check the time.

"8:21? Fuck I'm late!" I rush getting ready and run to my living room.


I see my mother laying on the couch with the tv remote on her stomach. I grab a water bottle and slightly shake her awake.

"Hey mom? Can you take me to school today?" She groans and sits up.

"For what?" She asks.

"I was kinda...late and missed the bus..." I look down.

"Y/n m/n(middle name)! Are you kidding me? I can't do this right now, just stay home today it's fine." She yells and groans.

For being a strong women, getting yelled at by my mother made me want to cry.

"Ok, I promise I'll do all my work at home!" I say rushing back to my room.

I undress into my softest pajamas and fall onto my bed.

"This isn't half bad. Maybe I can listen to their music."
I grab my laptop and listen to some of their songs. I couldn't help but rock my head to their music. All I could think about is how FINE dread head looked playing the guitar.

This made me sad.

"Now that I'm really thinking about it, I miss those guys." I pick at my laptop.


A few hours go by and I go to the kitchen for dinner, when I spot my mother talking to a lady with... the girl who threatened me?

"Y/n! Get your ass here right now!" She yells.

I look at the girl and she was crying and shaking.

"What's going on?" I ask,

"You tortured my daughter! I want an apology right now!" The other mother says.

"I'm sorry you might have the wrong girl, I never touched her." I say.

"Stop lying! You know it was you!" The girl sobs into her mothers arms.

"I never touched you! Your the one who threatened me in the bathroom!" I yell crossing my arms.

"Enough! Y/n you are grounded! You two have a lovely day and Im so sorry for my daughters behavior." My mother says guiding out the snobs.

They eventually leave and my mother sits me down on the couch.

"What actually happened y/n?" She asks concerned.

"I was in class when Tom called me to sit with him, I didn't want to gain attention so I asked to go to the bathroom." I told her the rest of the story and sighed.

"I never knew they were famous! They should have told me something! But I guess it's for the best." I say covering my face.
My mother hugs me and stands up.

"Let's go out for dinner, then tomorrow you can work things out." She grabs her purse and we head out the door.


The next morning I was quick to get in the bus, and silently tapping my foot to my music.

We arrived at school and I start walking in the hallway when I notice people staring at me and whispering. I look around in confusion and enter my first period.

I take glance at Tom and he does the same. He glared at me and starts talking to the punk girl who showed at my house. How did she even find my address? I roll my eyes and start doodle stickman on my paper, when I felt something hit my shoulder. I check the floor and see a paper airplane. I look around the room and see girls giggling. I open the note and it says,

'Fat skank'

I look at the group and see Tom chuckling.

My heart dropped.

I turned around, crumpled up the paper, and tossed it into the trash can. I came back to my seat and had my head down the entire remaining of the class.


I skipped through the end of the day and boarded the bus when Tom shot me a glare and bill looked at me in a sorrowful tone. Bill walked over to me and sat down.

"What happened? People are saying you bullied a girl." He asked.

"I bullied a girl? That's news to me!" I laughed, and groaned for the millionth time.

"So you didn't?" He tilts his head,

"No! The crazy bitch lied and created a rumor because I started hanging out with you guys. " I run my fingers through my hair. Bill smiles and grabs my hand,

"Well I'm glad it wasn't true. Now cmon! The rumor needs to stop, so let's end it!" He pulls me to the back of the bus and clears his throat.

"Guys! The rumor is false! Stupid Monica is lying because she's jealous of y/n." Bill says tugging my shoulder.

"Where's the proof?" Tom yells.
My eyes start to water, (pick me, choose me , love me) and I glare at Tom.

"Either you believe me or not, I won't care. If you choose to believe a self centered bitch over me, then that's fine.What's not fine is her spreading information that ISNT true! " I yell and breath heavily. Tom stands up and faces me .

"I do believe her. I've known her longer than I've known you and she would never do something like that." He pushes me back and I fall onto the floor. I look at him, tears about to spill, and bill helps me back up.

"What the fuck is your problem? You know what, I don't even care anymore. Fuck you and your stupid ass Barbie wannabe." I flip him off the hop off the bus. Bill runs after me and we start walking together.

"Where are we going?" Bill asks,

"We are going to find that whores house and fight her, since she wants me to be known as beating her up, let's make it realistic!" I say skipping. Bill chuckles and we wonder the neighborhoods to find where she lives.


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