"Whoever this new lot are, they cannot be KORPS."

"Then who?" Aneisha questions Frank again

"Some copycat group. The question is, who would have enough knowledge and resources to create a convincing fake of a global organisation like KORPS?"

"Maybe KORPS themselves" I mutter to Tom and he hums in agreement.

Then the door open, Stella and a two over agents come barging in. She has the hump over something.

"This area is off-limits!"

"Trying to hide the evidence?" Tom teases waving around the picture of Stella and Frank being cosy together. Franks snatches the picture from Toms hand and turn to Stella.

"Stella, I haven't said a word."

"I don't care about ancient history Stella says dismissively

"I've got a massive PR disaster on my hands right now. The last thing I need is you poking your nose into restricted areas!"

"What happened?" Stella looks at Dan as he says this.

"Have a look at the latest news report" Tom puts his computer on the desk and open up the news and press the video.

On the screen there is a blonde news reporter and a heading saying 'MI9 ARREST BRITAIN'S OLDEST WOMEN' there is also a elderly lady in the background who keeps waving at the camera.

"It was a tip-off that led MI9 agents to this house, where they arrested 126-year-old grandmother Phyllis Humm for running an illegal international prize-fighting club. Mrs Humm was also accused of being the current heavyweight champion. Following a gruelling investigation, Britain's oldest woman was released with an apology. An embarrassing day for MI9. This is Jenny Lane reporting." There was a pause.

"Please stop that." Jenny Lane says to the old lady. And with that Tom closes his laptop.

"No wonder she's in a bad mood." Tom says to everyone.

"Yeah, and I thought it was cos Frank dumped her." Aneisha says not so quietly.

"I want all of you out of here at once!" Stella snapped and begins to walk away but turns back round

"And he didn't dump me. I dumped him!" And with that information out in the open Stella walked out of the room.

"So she was Frank's girlfriend." We all laugh at that. Well not Frank.

"You should all go now. See you tomorrow" Frank says to us and leads us out of the bunker and we all go home.

It was Monday morning and we are back at school. We are walking to our first lesson of the day and talking about thing that had happened in the preavious day.

"I know Frank wants us to look into copycats, but it's got to be worth considering that it might be the real KORPS. Even he admits it sounds like the Master Mind on the tape." Aneisha says to me, Tom and Dan

"It's so easy to fake a recording of someone." I say to Aneisha

"What do you mean" Aneisha says and Tom and I look at each other smiling. He nods his head at me and lets me explain to Aneisha.

"We may have made a recording of you saying 'I love you' and left it on Roly's phone."

"Took us all but two minutes." Tom finshes off for me

"So THAT'S why he keeps looking at me funny!" Aneisha says annoyed, she contiunes

"I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to getting you two back."

"We would expect nothing less."

"We should trust Frank's judgement on the copycats. He's been doing this a lot longer than we have" Dan says going back to being all serious as useal. Aneisha and I then see the Zoe is talking Melissa.

"Uh-oh..." and with that we speed up our walking Aneisha takes the clipboad out of Zoe's hands to stop her from signing herself up to whatever Melissa is talking to her about.

"She's not interested." I say to Melissa. Zoe will thank me later.

"I am. It's great, l've never done any of this stuff before." Zoe says excitedly to me

"You don't know how lucky you are Gardening Club, Chess Club, Ping Pong Team, Potato Awareness Group, Advanced Abseiling, Brass Band, Jazz Band, Choir - that ought to be banned."

"You're going to sign up to 23 clubs." I say to Zoe in disbelief.

"You'd have to be a maniac to join that many!"

"I'm in all those clubs!" Melissa says just proving our point. Roly then come over to us with a doughnut in his hand.

"Hey, guys, look! I can fit a whole doughnut in my mouth." He says, then so kindly demonstrates.

"Nice, Roly" Aneisha says in disgust. Roly hearing Aneisha winks at her.

"All right, Aneisha."

"Roly, I didn't send you that message." Aneisha says trying to stop the poor boy from flirting with her.

"All right, whatever. Of course you didn't." Roly says obviously not believing a word she says. Melissa then springs to the conversation.

"Roly! You said you'd join Chess Club."

"Uh-oh" and with that Roly rushes past us.

"Run, Roly, run! Run" Tom says as Melissa chases him.


Works count: 1540

Not very proud of this chapter, I'm not going to lie to you. But I feel as I needed to get something out as I'm probably not going to be uploading in a while as I have my GCSEs. My first one is starting tomorrow (it's biology) and will not end till the 20th of June.

When I do start uploading again I think I am going to start writing in 3rd person. As I feel as that may be easier and I would be able add detail. Which is something I can't really do that well in 1st person

The Other Spy (MI High x OC)Where stories live. Discover now