Chapter 19

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Waking up the next morning, you feel disappointed when Angelo's arms aren't around you. You look over and see his side of the bed empty, the sheets cool to the touch, a piece of paper on his pillow. Picking up the piece of paper you see Angelo's terrible handwriting on it – woke up early, heading to the office to get some work done. Will be back after 12. A.

Looking at the clock on the wall it reads 9:02am. Well, I can either spend the next three hours in bed, or I can get up and head to the office to talk to Angelo. He's either there or Central Park. I can't lay in bed for the next three hours.

You get up and turn the coffee maker on, hopping in the shower quickly while it heats up. Realizing Angelo didn't leave you any clothes out, you resort to going through Angelo's closet for something to wear. Putting on a pair of Angelo's sweatpants, socks, and sweater, you put on a light layer of makeup before making a to-go cup of coffee grabbing your purse, coat, the contract and heading out the front door using the keypad to lock it behind you.

Not knowing exactly how to get to the office from Angelo's place you decide to get an Uber. It only takes a few minutes, and before long you're sipping your coffee in the back of the Uber. The Uber pulls up to the office and you head inside determined to talk to Angelo about last night. Angelo's office door is closed, so you knock on the door.

"Come in Sofia," Angelo's voice says and you furrow your brow wondering how he knows it's you.

"How did you know it was me?" You ask opening the door seeing Angelo behind his desk papers spread all over. You close the door locking it behind you.

"Cameras," Angelo says looking at his computer screen. You sit down on the couch across from his desk sipping on your coffee. Angelo looks up from his papers and stares at you as you pull out the contract flipping through it.

"You're wearing my clothes now?" Angelo asks folding his hands together and you shrug not looking up from the papers in front of you.

"You didn't leave me anything to wear this morning. I thought about just showing up naked, but it's kind of cold and that would have been an awkward Uber ride." You say casually sipping on your coffee.

"I wasn't expecting you to go anywhere this morning, so I didn't think you'd need them." Angelo says casually.

"I didn't think I'd need to wake you up to go to the bathroom, but apparently I do," you say looking up at him. Angelo takes a deep breath and you know you hit a nerve.

"Look, I'm not going to ask about it, and not because I don't care, or don't want to know because I do. But I also know you enough to know that you'll tell me when you're ready. So." You taking another sip of coffee. "Let me know when you're done work so we can negotiate on this contract." You say holding it up.

"You still want to go through with that?" Angelo asks warily.

"I'm here aren't I. Do you?" You ask nervously, your heart beating faster with every passing second.

"Give me an hour." Angelo says smirking breaking the silence. You settle into the couch sipping on your coffee and skimming though the contract again to make sure you have your arguments laid out.

"Alright, I'm done with this for today." Angelo says just over an hour later putting his papers away.

"Great, I'm just going to use the bathroom quickly and then we can get started," you say standing up and heading out of his office to the bathroom down the hall. You head back into his office a few minutes later making sure to lock the door behind you.

"Come here," Angelo says pushing his chair back. You walk around his desk and Angelo motions for you to sit on his lap. You sit down on his lap and wrap your arms around his neck, while he snakes an arm around your waist.

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