"Hmmmm?" Angelo asks his hot breath on the side of your neck.

"How much olive oil?" You ask your breath shaky.

"Pour and I'll tell you when to stop." Angelo says and you slowly pour the olive oil out from the spout.

"Stop." Angelo says a few seconds later and you lean back over setting the bottle down onto the counter.

"Salt." Angelo says grabbing a pinch and throwing it into the mixture. "Now we mix."

You turn around to grab a whisk, putting your hands up not wanting to get them dirty. "Don't we need a whisk or fork or something?"

Angelo smirks leaning down and whispering in your ear, "scared to get your hands dirty?" Which sends goosebumps down your neck.

"No," you say a blush coming to your face. "Just want to be sanitary that's all."

"We washed our hands." Angelo says leaning down pressing your lips together.

"Probably the only clean part of us." You say giggling turning back around and Angelo chuckles along with you as the two of you knead the mixture into a dough.

"Alright, now that it's formed into a dough. It needs to sit for 30 minutes." Angelo says taking a step back turning the tap on to clean the flour off his hands.

"Why?" You ask curious.

"The flour needs time to absorb the moisture, makes it less dry and more relaxed so we can stretch it." Angelo says.

"So kind of like foreplay? The build up before you actually get to do what you want with it?" You ask leaning against the counter.

Angelo smirks drying off his hands, "exactly like that."

You wash your hands, drying them off on the kitchen towel before heading back to the living room to finish off the last few pages of the agreement. It doesn't take as long as you thought as the last few pages are for signatures, legal stamps, etc.

Setting the fully annotated document onto the coffee table you head back over to the kitchen where Angelo is scrolling through his phone leaning against the counter. You take the phone put of his hand setting it on the counter behind him, as you press your body against him leaning up to kiss him. Wrapping your arms around the back of his neck pulling him against you as your tongue invades his mouth catching him off guard.

Angelo reaches down effortlessly picking you up as you wrap your legs around his waist as he walks you over to the kitchen island setting you down.

"You finished reading the contract?" Angelo says resting his forehead against yours.


"What do you think?"

"I think that it would be a lot less paperwork to fly to Vegas and get married." You say laughing. "There are just a few points I want to discuss, but I think it's got a good foundation."

"So you think we can come to an agreement?" Angelo asks brushing his nose against yours.

"A good lawyer never reveals their stance on a case." You say smiling. "It would ruin negotiations if I said yes or no now."

"That would be true," Angelo says moving his hand up the inside of your thigh. "If your reaction didn't already give away your stance. Something to work on." Angelo says a smugness in his voice that makes you want do the complete opposite.

"Maybe I'm just a really good actress trying to have a night of fun with her boss." You say locking your ankles around his waist keeping him against you.

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