"È Xav, (It's Xav,)" I said, not looking at him. "Ovviamente non ho intenzione di reagire in modo minaccioso. (Of course, I am not going to react threatening like.)"

Chewie frowned and narrowed his eyes while he looked at me. He didn't believe me; I could tell, but he wasn't going to tell me.

I looked at my phone fully and rolled my eyes at my best friend. "Smettila di essere mio padre, (Stop being my father,)" I said and scowled, choosing my words carefully. "He is just jelly that I am talking to another male," I added, switching to English.

There was a loud, humph, from the bush, and I smirked in that direction. However, he didn't come out, and I frowned before turning my attention back to Chewie.

Chewie bit back a huff of his own and rubbed the bridge of his nose before he shook his head. "Non sono tuo padre, Cass, (I am not being your father, Cass,)" he said tersely. "Sono il tuo protettore. (I am being your protector.)"

"Sono il tuo protettore, (I am being your protector,)" I mouthed mockingly while wrinkling my nose in annoyance.

The bad thing was, I knew that he was. I knew that he was my protector and watched my back like Charlie had done with Cassandra. I leaned on him more than the others, even though I had known the twins longer.

That was why I didn't tell him to stop being my protector because I knew that it would have killed him. It was his duty to protect me while it was my duty to protect others.

There had to be times when he had to relent control and the urge to protect me for the greater good of others, even though he didn't like it.

He wanted to make sure that I stayed safe and protected, not caring about what my duty was to those that we both served and took orders from.

Just like Cassandra... even though there was a chance that she disobeyed their orders, even in death. That was probably the reason why she had claimed me as her reincarnation before she was supposed to.

She knew that it was going to take me a while to fully accept it, even though a part of me already did. She wanted to make sure that I was prepared and learn to trust the group that she was a part of growing up, and a part of me already did, even though I hadn't had her memories of them yet.

"Ti comporti ancora come mio padre, (You are still acting like my father,)" I said sassily, and he huffed and rolled his eyes while he scowled.

"Chiamalo fuori, (Call him out,)" he said, changing the subject because he knew that I was going to keep telling him that he was acting like my father and for him to stop it because I knew how to protect myself... for the most part.

"Chiamalo fuori, (Call him out,)" I mocked before I moved closer to the center of the path and away from the edge of my said boundary, dragging my bag with me. I moved a hand across my face when I made it to the middle and shook my head before I looked in the direction that Xav was in.

Blue eyes stared at me through the bushes, but he didn't move towards me like I thought he would. He waited for me to call for him, being more patient than I thought he would be, especially since he was an Alpha, and I knew that I looked like shit.

"Smettila di prendermi in giro e fa' come ti dico, (Stop mocking me and do as I say,)" he scolded. "Non c'è bisogno di farlo aspettare. (There is no need to keep him waiting.)"

"Non c'è bisogno di farlo aspettare, (There is no need to keep him waiting,)" I mocked, and I earned a hiss in return. I gave him a wicked grin before I looked at Xav to see that he was still waiting for me. "You can come out, you know," I said, switching to English. "There is no need for you to hide yourself from me." I looked at my phone before I looked his way. "Especially in front of my friends. They're not going to say a word to anyone else if they see you with me."

The Reincarnated (Book 2A of Wolfcreek Series)Where stories live. Discover now