Ep 21: Maces and Talons, Part 1

Start from the beginning

Ruff: Ugh! Come on, Hookfang.

(Meanwhile, Astrid and Stormfly fly up in front of Heather)

Ryker: Finish her!

Astrid: Single spine shot, girl.

Heather: Sorry, Windshear, but this has to look real.

(Stormfly fires a spine at Windshear and hits her tail making her fall onto the ship. The riders fly away from the hunters while Heather inspects Windshear)

Heather: It's okay, girl. Just nicked you.

Ryker: What were you doing up there?

Heather: You have something to say, Ryker?

Ryker: Something didn't look right.

Heather: Yeah? Which part? You giving her a heads-up I was there? Or you doing nothing, leaving me exposed?

(Ryker takes out his sword but Dagur stops him)

Dagur: Now, now. Let's not get crazy.

Ryker: You're talking to me about crazy?

Dagur: Let me put it another way. If you touch one hair on my sister's head, I'll run you through and wear your rib cage as my battle armor.

Dragon Hunter: We're headed back to the island.

Ryker: On whose orders?

Dragon Hunter: Viggo's. He's waiting.

Ryker: Good. We'll let him settle this.

(He walks away)

Heather: What do you know about Viggo?

Dagur: Oh. Just that he's pretty much the opposite of Rykie.

Heather: How so?

Dagur: Svelte. Smart. And, when I say smart, I mean supposedly cleverer than me, which is almost inconceivable, it's really hard to fathom and I'm still gonna need some proof. It's impossible. Who could be? But that's what they say. Oh! And he loves the art of the kill. Loves it! And when he puts you to sleep, he's like a fart in the wind, you never see it coming.

Heather: What does Ryker say about him?

Dagur: Not much. I think the big boss scares the little guy. Scared of his own little bro. Sad. Nothing worse than a family rift.

(He hugs Heather)

Dagur: How great is it that you're here, huh? That we're here? Together? What were you doing up there?

(He and Heather stare at each other for a second)

Dagur: Ha! Gotcha! You are too easy. Now, let's go meet this Viggo Grimborn. Ooh, now I've got the shiveries.

Dragon's Edge

Snotlout: Ooh! Did you see that look on Ryker's face? I was like, "Tuff, now!" And, you were like...

Tuffnut: "Your wish is my command, Snotman!" And then...

Snotlout & Tuffnut: BAM!

Astrid: We have to pull Heather out. If I hadn't reacted, her cover would have been blown.

Y/n: I wanted her out weeks ago and somebody talked me into...

Astrid: I know I did. But, things were different then.

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